Seller Community Forum

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1 answers
0 votes
Cancelling duplicate unpaid order?
A customer purchased 2 of the same items on separate orders but only needed and paid for one. We shipped the order and relisted the unpaid item. My shipping performance still shows the unpaid/relisted item as unshipped. How can i fix this?

asked over 9 years ago

4 answers
1 vote
Mysterious ? mark in listings
When i do a listing, then go back to look at it, there is a question mark sometimes in the listing. It doesn't always happen, but i would say it has happened probably 4 or 5 times out of the last 10 or so listings i have done....I know I didn't do...

asked over 9 years ago

4 answers
1 vote
Buyer notifications
Am I correct in stating that Bonanza automatically sends an email to a buyer when they've made a purchase, a payment, and when an item has been shipped as well as the tracking number if one has been provided? Is there anywhere where such notifi...

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Hi I need an example of the format to CSV. Thanks

asked over 9 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Help with ebay store synching
Hi, If you make updates to your ebay listings (for example adding more item specifics, or changing the description), does bonanza update your listings also?

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Seller hasn't responded.
I bought an item from a seller. I messaged them twice about it and how long I should be waiting till it gets to me. No response. It has been two days now. Should I be worried?

asked over 9 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Can popularity be permantly changed to newest?
when someone visits my booth, the first thing they see are the POPULARITY items. I want my newest listings to appear instead. How can I get NEWEST to take the place of POPULARITY when my booth opens? Since I don't have a lot of sales, the same "...

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Webs store customization question - categories
Is anyone else having these issue and if so do you know how to fix it? I have categories and sub categories, example Womens shoes, then Pumps, flats, etc. I want the drill down on my web store to show the overall category on the drop down menu...

asked over 9 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
Are webstores worth it?
I was just looking at info for the webstores and got an email that I had opened one! Hope support can fix it in case I do decide to open one. I don't want to lose the free trial of it. Anyway, it made me wonder if it's worth the $25.00 a month....

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Sale closed after 4 days by bonanza because of 7 day rule??
My booth was on vacation until Dec. 11th so how can it be 7 days already? I had created the sale for Black Friday the week of Thanksgiving and had to go on an unexpected trip. I pulled out of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday promo and put my boot...

asked over 9 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
This is probably a stupid question, but here goes anyway...........
When looking at my stats for item views, it shows people viewing sold items. How is this? Some days, the sold items are having more views than what I have listed :(

asked over 9 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Phone sale notification
Does Bonanza have a Smart phone app. so you are notified of a sale? Like a Cha-ching???

asked over 9 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Why does my ebay sync never complete?
So I paid for silver membership to have the ebay sync daily (the only benefit to silver). The ebay import page says "The eBay import on December 12th, 2014 at 01:04 is currently in progress" and "0 items out of a total of 204 items items have been...

asked over 9 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Adding a watermark to my photos
Good morning everyone, How can I add a watermark to my photos? thanks

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Turbotraffic... just given to me?
Weird? I hope they don't charge me, my plan is still the same, But i was randomly given this. Is that normal? Also if my item is not showing up in google shopping, and it previously was. Does that mean google wants to show others instead?

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Does anyone have the link to paypal's "back door"?
This is the link used for doing up other labels that aren't paid thru PP. I was using it the other day, but somehow my bookmark has disappeared.

asked over 9 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Changing shipping for international order not working
Hi. I'm trying to accept an order to the UK and adjust the shipping cost on the invoice. I have done this before, but it doesn't seem to be working today. Any ideas?

asked over 9 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
How do i get paid through amazon payment?
Just recieved my first Amazon payment order. I was just wondering how payment processes through? How and when will I get paid? I noticed that on my Amazon payment link that it says $0.00 is set to transfer. But on the order details page it sho...

asked over 9 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Approve order and set shipping costs?
Hi. I'm resident in Romania and just got an email to approve an order. Since I ship worldwide and just started on Bonanza I've written the shipping costs in item description until I learn how to do it better. Can anyone tell me how to change my...

asked over 9 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Visibility strategies
Any tips for increased item views/ booth visits? Thanks

asked over 9 years ago