Absolutely no traffic/views at all. extremely disappointing

I’m new here. I had high hopes for Bonanza, but I’m extremely disappointed. Granted I’ve only had my items listed 3 days, but there’s not been even one single view at all. (My traffic shows one view, but that was me looking at one of my own items).

Before I signed up I read all the information on this site. It told me that listings are picked up by Google, but as a test I entered several keywords from my listings and nothing came up in Google. I then went to other members’ pages and entered keywords on their items, thinking it was just my account not showing up, but no one’s listings are coming up on Google.

Only after entering the keyword “bonanza” along with descriptions did JUST ONE seller’s items show up in a Google search. So, that would mean someone looking for items on Google would have to know about Bonanza and enter that as a keyword. That’s not what I thought I was signing up for.

I’m not willing to pay $25 for these Turbo packs that last mere days with iffy results. Unless someone can point out what I’ve done wrong or what I must have misunderstood regarding this site then I don’t think Bonanza is going to be effective for me.

asked about 8 years ago


TrinketBox March 05, 2016

2 days…Booth settings..Send my items to google…Advertising..opt for Google Shopping (GPS)…2 days..I doubt if your items are completely google compliant yet, or even if your feed has been set up and approved yet….Sorry, but this is not amazon or ebay..whole different set of criteria…

JoesGems February 15, 2019

Contact Bonanza, I had the same issue and they hadn’t made my items visible to each. Try searching for your items, if you can’t find them, then nobody can

KellyT631 November 11, 2019

I have 2 items so far in my store and combined have over 500 views in just 5 days. Advertising through social media and word of mouth help in fact I have more views here then I do on the 16 items I have on Ebay!

8 Answers

Hello and Welcome Sweet Petite As MrsVandy said you will need to help generate your own traffic. And goodness you’ve only been here 2 days so you’ll need to work at it and have a little patience, The very first thing I would like to recommend is take out the CAPITOL letters in your titles, big Google no-no, add a little more to your profile to let folks know who you are. Bone up on the google and other shopping feeds rules, make sure you select an advertising option in your booth setup that will send some traffic to your booth, you don’t pay for that advertising until you make a sale, then it comes out in your seller fees if the sale was from an ad click. Next check out some of the ways other sellers advertise and drive sales to their booths through social media and other means.

Here are some helpful links Best wishes and Good luck to you Glad to have you aboard.
[URL removed]
[URL removed]
[URL removed]

Sorry I was looking for the page that had tips for Google Shopping the no-no’s and how to’s but not having luck right now. Those links above should help you get a decent start.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 1320
See ZiggyZool's booth

1 Comment

MomentsInThyme March 06, 2016

Thank you I just learned from you & corrected my booth name with small letters. I have been selling on Bonanza for over three years & we learn something new each day. I wish a seller would of reviewed my booth I might have had more sales then the few I have had. Thank you, momentsinthyme

Thanks for the tips. I did not know I had to drive the traffic. I’m used to eBay, where I post and sit back. I will read up and do my best. I’m sure everyone here at Bonanza has heard about ebay’s devastating change in their rating system. Hundreds of sellers (who have done nothing wrong) have had their listings restricted and their PayPal put on 21 day hold.

eBay changed the rules in the middle of the game, but instead of making the change and going forward from there they went back over the last year and used old info to rate sellers. For instance…..for years (decades) sellers’ buyers’ feedback was used in the rating system. The defect rate was 5% of sales. So, buyers were working on keeping a 100% feedback rating. NOW (as of February 20th) eBay changed the rating system. They no longer use buyers’ feedback and the defect rate is changed to 2%. But, instead of saying “Let’s go from here”, they are dinging sellers for things that happened a year ago! Sellers that had 100% ratings, no cases against them, and above average ratings found themselves rated below average and their accounts put on a 2 month restriction.

I personally canceled 5 sales last year. One was because I dropped the item while preparing it for shipping, one was due to a missing button, and one was because I found a spot I hadn’t noticed before. I have over 1,000 sales, no cases against me, a 97% on time shipping! and 100% feedback, but because of these cancelations eBay has pretty much shut me down for 2 months. My case is minor compared to what eBay has done to some sellers. There are people who have had their lives ruined.

I predict bonanza is going to see a flood of new members. We are all hoping Bonanza will be successful for us.

answered about 8 years ago


misskeech March 05, 2016

I was with ebay since almost the beginning, and i have not sold anything there for the past 3 months. I can say, truthfully, that there IS life after ebay….and alot less stress also. Welcome to Bonanza!

InspiredCreations March 06, 2016

I was also with ebay for a long time before they even had the feedback change sweep through. There have been a lot of changes there that is rather disappointing.

Traffic to Bonanza is not like that to eBay or Amazon… which is why it is necessary to drive your own traffic to this site. Bonanza has been around for a number of years now but still very little known.

answered about 8 years ago


whimseys March 06, 2016

You’re right, mrsvandy, Bonanza is very little known…and after eight years.

doublenature October 26, 2020

I have no social media, and why would my friends buy my niche items? After ebay unjustly ousted me, I’m forced to slum it here in a barren desert of hopelessness. About 5 days in and I have 9 views on my 4 items I put up as a test. Not sure I’ll stick around if it stays this dire.

Don’t search on Google instead try searching google shopping.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 16
See SumanK1's booth

Your items may not have even been picked up yet by the crawler to be put on the internet., I just did a search of mine, and i am showing in google and also google shopping….As a matter of fact, the item of mine i searched on google is showing up in a sponsored link on the side of the page with a photo, so i was pleased to see that….

But read all of the advice above, follow it. People generally go to ebay or amazon FIRST then if they dont find the item they want there, then they may do a internet search…..which is where all your hard work with advertising and promoting your items will pay off.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

As others have said, you have to work at getting your items seen here.

answered about 8 years ago

1 Comment

ArtistsUnion March 06, 2016

As we can see this listings ‘exchange’ is a good idea, at least generate more feedback and views as well…

I didn’t realize I needed to drive the traffic. I’m utilized to eBay, where I post and sit back. I will peruse up and give a valiant effort. I’m certain everybody here at Bonanza has found out about eBay’s staggering change in their rating framework. Click here for more details about the [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

Traffic to Bonanza isn’t cared for that to eBay or Amazon, which is the reason it is important to drive your very own traffic to this site. Bonanza has been around for various years currently yet at the same time almost no known. You also visit here to know exciting deals we offer on our website [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 14
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Viewed: 6625 times

Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: over 4 years ago

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