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Seller Community Forum

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0 answers
0 votes
What is the minimum number of photos required for a listing?
what is the minimum number of photos required for a listing?

asked 2 minutes ago

2 answers
0 votes
The search by sku is broken again
Unfortunately, it seems to be broken again… but in a different way. Before… when I was searching by SKU… it showed no results. Now…. instead of showing me the correct item… it’s showing me ALL my items. The search by title is still working, fortun...

asked 2 days ago

1 answers
0 votes
How often should I update my booth?
I am wondering if updating my booth daily is a good idea? If not how often should the booth be updated? Thank you.

asked 5 days ago

4 answers
0 votes
No longer can search by sku?
We use a unique SKU for each of our listings. We have always been able to search our inventory using the SKU. Now... that's no longer working. Instead, we have to use the title. Is anyone else having the same problem? If so... could someone from B...

asked 9 days ago

2 answers
1 vote
Item views update
Hello Everyone, I just wanted to share an update because it was discovered that our system stopped recording direct traffic views for sellers' stats dashboards. Just to be clear, the views were still happening, but the bug stopped our system fr...

asked 18 days ago

1 answers
0 votes
Where can i find the list of brands restricted from being sold on bonanza?
What brands are not allowed on Bonanza

asked 22 days ago

6 answers
2 votes
What do you think is going on with google shopping advertising
Hello. What have you all been seeing on your end with Google shopping. For months now, I've been down to 1 or 2 visits via Google shopping one day and then none the next. I used to get a lot more views than that and on a daily basis without ...

asked 25 days ago

1 answers
0 votes
Selling in the usa
hi I'm New to Bonanza and have a question about shipping. I signed up to only sell the usa because i honestly don't know how to do international shipping. When you sign up for usa shipping will that include Puerto Rico? If not, can I include Pue...

asked about 1 month ago

2 answers
0 votes
Do i have to always have money in the "shipping account" >
Wondering if I can just pay for shipping when I actually sell an item. Not sure I'd be selling often to justify having $30 in that account.

asked 3 months ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is there postage for trading cards
I can't seem to find this option on the calculated shipping only ground advantage. Is there a stamp option that I am missing somewhere? Can we purchase just a stamp through Bonanza shipping?

asked 3 months ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why do i only have paypal showing for payment options?
Why do I only have PayPal showing for Payment options?

asked 3 months ago

6 answers
2 votes
Is bonanza a good choice for sellers
how often do you get a sale on Bonanza

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
1 vote
Realtime chat
What exactly is the realtime chat for and does anyone actually use it? Seems much more plausible everyone just uses the messaging system.

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do I include or best offer on my items, after the fact?

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
When will bonanza allow us to purchase products to eu?
Since some time i am unable to purchase any item to EU :(

asked 3 months ago

4 answers
0 votes
Dealing with a paypal chargeback
Hello, new to Bonanza. We sold a Nintendo Switch on this platform & the day it's out for delivery (today) we received a chargeback claim. We added signature on delivery to the item, since it was over $200. We submitted all our evidence to the PayP...

asked 4 months ago

3 answers
0 votes
When you started to have succesfull sales?
Im rather new on Bonanza, throught half of year i got no sales and i doesn't want to go to Ebay becouse of trouble-making moderators and Etsy banned me for no reason, im selling sabers,bayonets and other collectibles. Where did you start to mak...

asked 4 months ago

2 answers
0 votes
How to put your shop on vacation
how to put your shop on vacation

asked 4 months ago

4 answers
2 votes
Did anyone make a sale during the spring sale?
I did not make one sale. Anyone else?

asked 4 months ago

2 answers
0 votes
Do i lose bonanza rewards accumulated if i change my booth name?
I am thinking of changing my booth name but I have accumulated a great number of Bonanza Rewards. If I change the name of my booth do I retain my accumulated Bonanza Rewards or will I be back at 0 with the new booth name?

asked 5 months ago