Seller Community Forum

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1 answers
0 votes
How do i add item traits to my listings?
I don't know how to add more traits to my listings than are already on there. I want to add more but didn't see anywhere to add more. Thanks

asked almost 10 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
Am I dreaming or are the viewing numbers removed?
Opening the 'My Account' page used to show stats, how many times the booth and/or items are viewed. It's gone... or am I missing something? If [URL removed] Why? SAD!

asked almost 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Handpicked lists
I am having a problem figuring out how to add an item to my handpicked list. I have created the category. How do I put items in it?

asked almost 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
I am having an issue tweeting from bonanza....
Is anyone else having any problems tweeting from Bonanza right now? 9:37AM Eastern Time 7/17/2014 Twitter Issues

asked almost 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is there a way to see the total visitor count on the booth without having to pay for a plan?
a newbie trying to see if a total visitor count can be measured before shelling out for a paid plan

asked almost 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How do i do a discount for multiple item purchases?
I got an email from Bonanza today that included [URL removed] "As a Bonanza seller, you can ride that trend by offering discounts and coupons to drive more sales. Choose from any (or all) of these proven [URL removed] Item Price [URL removed]...

asked almost 10 years ago

5 answers
1 vote
Where did the claim my tokens link go?
I had over 10,000 tokens and now they are gone. Why did this happen and how can I claim them on my fees as Bonanza promised?

asked almost 10 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
Importing from ebay with sellersourcebook includes template images.
Does anyone have any idea why some of the listings I upload to Bonanza FROM ebay display photos of the Sellersourcebook templates along with product photos? It is really a bummer, because it has no rhyme or reason. Sometimes a template will do it...

asked almost 10 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
How does tax work with bonanza?
How does tax work with bonanza if im a seller?

asked almost 10 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
Import from ebay - weights missing
Hi! I am importing my items from ebay, and want to sell International on Bonanza. The problem is that on ebay it is free shipping to the U.S. (as is on Bonanza), and calculated for International (and I want the same on Bonanza). All the weights...

asked almost 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Is it possible to remove "search amazon" for reviews link
I want to remove the link on my listings that brings buyers to the Amazon page to read reviews. My only hope of someone buying from me and not Amazon is that my online store is smaller and if I can market it on social media to people who really lo...

asked almost 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Importing items??
i had 1129 items to import yet only 918 items imported and they told me it was completed?? why didn't it upload all of them

asked almost 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i see if any of my items are marked as watched
Watchers where do I find them?

asked almost 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Item stats question
Hi All, In the past month I've increased my item views about tenfold employing social media. When I look at the chart on Bonanza for item stats for the month however, it shows a decline over a number of days when the item views were actually goin...

asked almost 10 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
How can i get more sales?
Hi everyone, I opened up my store a few months ago and I am having a really hard time getting sales. Does anyone have any tips for beginners? Thanks!

asked almost 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why are there dept. stores on my item traits that don't belong there??
I went to check my item traits, and i found at the end of many of my items, the names of stores like Sears, JC Penney, Bloomingdales....and more! these are at the end of my item traits! They don't belong there, I did not put them there and I did n...

asked almost 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Why will my booth not update to google?
I have always updated my booth everyday and the date changes to the current date immediately. Now it is stuck on July 8th and no matter what I do it will not update. This started the same time they changed the Stats etc. on the My bonanza page, s...

asked almost 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Why am i not seeing my statistics?
It's been about a week since I've been able to see statistics. I have been patient, thinking it would correct itself, but it hasn't. Any ideas?

asked almost 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
I bought a cij banner but i need help to download it
I bought a Christmas in July banner but haven't figured out how to download it to my booth. When I go to the place where it says download your banner here, it won't take my download. I would like to know what I am doing wrong! Thanks pamamp

asked almost 10 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
my picture ![URL removed]

asked almost 10 years ago