Can you list firearms on this site

Can you list firearms on this site???

asked almost 15 years ago

20 Answers

Bonanzle and most other selling venues (ecrater, eBay, etc) do not allow it.
I just bought a gun online. The online seller has to be a licensed and certified dealer. The seller has to ship to a licensed certified dealer in your area for you to pick it up in person(includes the waiting period).

answered almost 15 years ago

not allowed. Here is info [URL removed]

answered almost 15 years ago

Many laws, regulations and policies, in a variety of jurisdictions, regulate the goods and services that may be bought and sold. For your convenience, here’s what is prohibited and restricted for sale of which is not permitted on Bonanzle.

  • Weapons and related items, including but not limited to firearms, disguised, undetectable or switchblade knives, martial arts weapons, scopes, silencers, crossbows, ammunition, ammunition magazines, BB guns, tear gas or stun guns.

Bonanzle users remain responsible for complying with all applicable laws, regulations or restrictions on items, services, or manner of sale, payment or exchange, that may apply to transactions in which they participate — including but not limited to those imposed by the state of Washington, where the Bonanzle service physically resides. Please research the applicable laws and regulations that may apply to your transaction.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Thanks for the info…………………..

answered almost 15 years ago

legally,only a LICENSED firearms dealer can ship firearms in the mail or by ups/fed-x.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth

Nope, not allowed.

answered almost 15 years ago

I believe the boyz can answer that questions

answered almost 15 years ago

A search for firearms brings up only catalogs and books.

answered almost 15 years ago

I don’t think you can. Ask the boys they will know

answered almost 15 years ago

I dont think so, I read about this somewhere.

answered almost 15 years ago

Hum, would not think so,per Bonanzle policy.

answered almost 15 years ago

According to BATF you need a federal firearms licence to sell online

answered almost 15 years ago

I was wondering if you could list Stun Guns

answered almost 15 years ago

This is America! I certainly hope so! It would be a shame not to list firearms….guns don’t kill people—people kill people! Why if guns weren’t available to the public, some govt jerks would take over!
Well, that’s my biggest fear and I’m sticking to it!
Yeah, you can trust our govt—ask any Indian!

Ummm, gun police? I’ve seen BB guns for sale on this site…but firearm & ammo magazines are prohibited as well? OMG! The NEW World ORDER may be closer than we thunked!

C’mon 2012!

answered almost 15 years ago

No and the reason is different states have different rules and regs for firearms

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 65
See mypiy's booth

what about firearm parts- stocks, sights, mags, etc??

answered almost 15 years ago


Weapons and related items, including but not limited to firearms, disguised, undetectable or switchblade knives, martial arts weapons, scopes, silencers, crossbows, ammunition, ammunition magazines, BB guns, tear gas or stun guns.
Fireworks, including but not limited to “safe and sane” fireworks or any destructive devices or explosives.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 387
See wallyh's booth

I do not know about Bonanzle rule but :
Anybody can sell and buy the firarms online, no license needed. There are a few things that you should know before selling or buying the firarms online. it must be shipped to or received at FFL dealer confirnmed address only(unless you are an FFL holder your self) with adult signature requirements. You can’t ship cuns and ammo in the sam box. You must be approved by USPS to ship with them. UPS ground. Check

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 12
See boltnt's booth

There is no reason to exclude firearms sales, other than possibly the agenda of the owners of this site. Backpage does it.
It’s called ‘net neutrality’. Let people sell and buy what they want. Don’t censor their activities just because you don’t agree with them. And let people deal with their local laws themselves.

I won’t buy here, or craigslist for that matter because they are the same way.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 12

there is absolutely no reason for the owners of this site to allow it… weapons have to be shipped from FFL to FFL REGUARDLESS of what state the buyer and seller are from …… of course local state and federal laws apply but that is handled by the FFL holders and the purchaser and should at no time be influenced by a private company…. If you are going to run a site that allows the sales of other auctions or sales you might want to get an attorney and investigate exactly what your rights are in running such a site and showing a bias in reguards to the legal sale of fire arms. as you may be opening your self and company up for a nasty lawsuite reguarding discrimination of legal gun owners and there constitutional rights to keep and bare arms. this is a free trade society and it is only a matter of time before some one decides they have had enough!

answered over 14 years ago

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Asked: almost 15 years ago

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