Will i be charged ebay fees?

When an item sells that has been imported from my eBay store, will I also be charged eBay fees when an item sells on Bonanza and visa versa?

asked over 4 years ago


HowardN42 says: March 14, 2022

I just sold an item on Bonanza that was imported from Ebay. I was charged the Bonanza fee which made sense. The item was an auction item with a buy it now price and it had a bid on

HowardN42 says: March 14, 2022

continued from other post.. The Ebay item had a bid on it and when it sold on Bonanza it was removed from Ebay and I was charged a early termination fee by Ebay that was double the Bonanza fee. So yes, you might get charged by Ebay also.

HowardN42 says: March 14, 2022

Also, be aware that if the imported item is on ebay as auction and buy it now, Bonanza will use the starting bid price as the buy it now price unless you edit it afterward.

2 Answers

If you imported the sale will be charge on the platform that it sold on..
ie sells on Bonz..you will be charged bonz fee…

if it sells on ebay, you will be charged ebay fees.

If you use the export/advertise/broadcaster option to send your bonanza items to ebay…if it sells on ebay you will be charged the ebay fee and a small ad fee from bonanza (It is 1.5%) from bonanza for the ad fee of sending it to ebay…
(see link below for publishing to ebay)


answered over 4 years ago

You won’t be charged eBay fees if an imported item sells here UNLESS you have used the “export/advertise/broadcaster” option. This is something you’d need to opt into separately. If you’ve ONLY imported eBay items, and they sell, you won’t be charged any eBay fees at all.

PLEASE REMEMBER to go back to eBay and delete the sold item though. If you don’t and you also sell it on eBay you will get a defect for not having the item when it was sold.

answered over 4 years ago

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