Where are the sales ?

I pay $660 a year in subscription fees and last year couldn’t even come no where close to covering that cost. Other sites i am selling 800 to 1000 items of the same thing a month. So where is the visibility of this site?
I have over 1000 items blocked in google search for a UPC duplicates, It’s a manufactures UPC code with different Manufacture Product codes listed, So i was told to make a variation listing for each listing, Are you silly?

asked over 4 years ago


TrinketBox says: October 10, 2020

Why would you pay for a full subscription before your were sure the booth could support it…and if your items are easily available on ebay or amazon, buyers are really not going to look elsewhere if it is found there first…list with mpn instead of upc’s…

EmpressDepot says: October 10, 2020

That is weird about the UPC duplicates. When you say a Google search block do you mean Google shopping? It was several years ago that Google shopping did not allow the same seller to sell the same exact item on their site. If a seller was caught doing that, Google shopping itself was the one who….

EmpressDepot says: October 10, 2020

…would block the sellers items from showing on their site. To my knowledge Google retired this strategy.

EmpressDepot says: October 10, 2020

? Cindy, does this still exist.

Hot_Wheels_aawmiller says: October 10, 2020

1,033 items were disapproved by Google Shopping. Item duplicate by gtin (1,025 items)

ccmom says: October 11, 2020

Sharon…as far as I can tell when they went to pay to play…they eliminated that rule

ccmom says: January 05, 2021

if items are found on another site…then why would someone go looking somewhere else for the same thing…especially if there is no significant difference in price. A more established (longer existing site) will get preferential treatment from google shopping…

2 Answers

You are better off with no membership here, it’s not worth it. Sales are pretty much nonexistent on this site. I had close to 1,000 items listed here, now it’s just stuff I need to take better pics of and list on my site that actually does get sales.

answered over 4 years ago

1 Comment

whatagem says: October 17, 2020

what site are you selling on that does get sales? i am getting no sales and I have almost 700 items listed. Started 2 weeks ago and no sales. Waste of time & money?

What site are you selling on that has sales?

answered over 4 years ago

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