I need your advice! booth views...


I need your advice! If have traffic per day (Booth [URL removed] 120) because I have no sales. Why? You could visit my Booths and you give me some advice. .


asked almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

anchorhaven June 28, 2014

Did you sign up for the Christmas in July sale? The sales event will create lots of Free advertising for your booth. Sign up here [URL removed]

3 Answers

It looks good to me. Summer is a slow selling period for me.

answered almost 10 years ago


TimeMall June 28, 2014


anchorhaven June 28, 2014

Do sign up for the Christmas in July sale – that will pick your views right up with the Free promotions from other sellers [URL removed]

I find the wording in your booth banner somewhat problematic. First, it’s in Spanish, and second, it really doesn’t describe the bulk of the products in your booth. Just my two cents…

answered almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

ToysAndTreasures June 29, 2014

Guess Malva liked my comment and changed the banner from VIdeojuegos y Accessorios to Bazar PR.

Nice booth.

I have read from nice and wise folks here on Bonz that you need 2 out of 3 [URL removed]


in the traits in order for google shopping to show your items. ;) I took a few ‘minutes’ (ha!) to add them to my listings and found it helped me get on google shopping. (Although it can take google a couple/few weeks to pick up on your items after you improve them.)

As far as dropshipping…many people here are leary of them (as am I, and I use dropship!lol) but many buyers who aren’t sellers don’t mind them much, except…you want to make sure you’re hypervigilant about removing items that become out of stock. There’s NOTHING WORSE than going to buy something and a few days later finding out the seller didn’t have the item in stock and they’re refunding your money.

So if you maintain good feedback and don’t get feedback from buyers complaining about your item not in stock, then you’ll get more buyer trust.

answered almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

misskeech July 08, 2014

Especially here on Bonanza, I always ask a seller first if they still have the item in stock, lol.

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