How can you tell if a marble is old?

How can you tell if a marble is old? And what style would be worth more?

asked almost 15 years ago

10 Answers

Suggest viewing of the following, and I feel that these three sites will give you a lot of information about marbles and a insight to older and newer marbles.

answered almost 15 years ago

I’m no expert on this subject, but I did find an excellent article about antique marbles. Here is a link for you…

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answered almost 15 years ago

I heard once that if you take a hammer and can break the marble into small pieces with one or two hard whacks then it was pretty old and was worth a lot of money! …but, if it holds up quite well, even after these resounding blows, then rest assured it is not very old and worth practically nothing!

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If you can’t tell what’s in my hand… CLICK THE HAND!

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth

Eyewitness testimony is generally presumed to be better than circumstantial evidence.

answered almost 15 years ago

I know marbles pretty well, if you post a pic, I may be able to help you or shoot me an email

answered almost 15 years ago

Your early hand made marbles are what we all hope to find. Most marbles were machine made by 1925. Some of the more valuable marbles are the Latticinio swirls, Onion skins, Lutz, Chinas, Sulphides among other names. The collecting of marbles is very specialized with much needed knowledge. I have a small collection, but by no means a expert. The following are some links that will help you.

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This site will give you images of marbles types and an idea of value
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A lot of information here
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Learning marbles well will keep you busy for a long time

answered almost 15 years ago

I’d follow A. Jones advice

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 387
See wallyh's booth

I think A.Jones gave you a great place to start.

answered almost 15 years ago

Will check out the leads provided.

I have two “civil war era” clay marbles listed (item number [phone number removed]and [phone number removed]) in my booth.

Found them in an emporium store in Cimmarron, New Mexico last summer.

Have no idea of their age. They appear hand made……….
Showed them to a friend who collects marbles and he felt they were

answered almost 15 years ago

if it’s all wrinkely and junk!…LOL :D

answered almost 15 years ago

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Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: almost 15 years ago

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