Sega Game
Customer Reviews Synopsis
9 reviews total •
7 reviews with comments

Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

The case itself was great and better than the original Sega Genesis cases however the artwork didn't fit the complete cover of the case. Still would have been nice to have the Authentic Original Sega Genesis Cases.
Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

Really good quality game.
Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

This disc worked without issue on my Dreamcast. No issues with using it.
Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

Great seller
Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

I was very happy with the product. Will look to buy from again.
Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

Purchased Sega Game on Bonanza

Both games played beautifully I was so happy and satisfied
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As advertised, the disc contains Mortal Kombat Trilogy. This is the Bleem! version, so essentially it is the PSX version, which is superior to its Saturn counterpart anyway. Bleem! has been cracked years ago as far as discs go, so you can pop this into your DC and it will work right away.
However, as an extra side note, if you have USB-GDROM or GDEmu, this ain't gonna do, because Bleem! hasn't been cracked yet for use outside physical discs, although there are a few people still at it and breakthroughs have been made this last year and continue now. I bought it because I like Mortal Kombat, physical discs and unusual ports to consoles they were not originally made for. I tried this on USB-GDROM just for the heck of it and I got as far as the Williams blue boot screen.
Anyway, this is beyond what this product was intended for, so if you have a regular old Dreamcast that can read discs, just pop this disc in and you'll be doing fatalities and brutalities like it's 1996 again! So yeah, definitely recommended. The print could be of slightly better quality, but one could easily do this at home, the point is to have a working disc with the game in and as far as that goes, it delivers. Couple this with MKG, and you have two great entries of this awesome franchise, right in your Dream machine.