Royal Velvet Curtain
Customer Reviews Synopsis
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Purchased Royal Velvet Curtain on Bonanza

Lucky Me!
I had purchased this product several months ago but did not buy enough panels. The original store no longer carried my pattern so I was amazed whe... Read more »

I had purchased this product several months ago but did not buy enough panels. The original store no longer carried my pattern so I was amazed when I found it on Bonzanza's site and for a lot cheaper than I had originally paid. I was worried that the dye lots might be off but they were just fine. I ordered more for another area in my house and was thrilled they had enough to ship. The curtain panel material is very substantial, the color is vibrant, and they are rich looking. If you have not seen these deep rich red curtains in person, the gold is actually gold embroidery. These are originally $80.00 each panel curtains.