Pecard Leather Dressing

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Customer Reviews Synopsis

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Wondering how to restore/refresh dried or cracked leather?

For me, Pecard is the answer. I use it to refurbish holsters, rifle slings, gear belts, saddles, harnesses, leather hats, vests, boots, etc. If the leather is old or dry, I'll apply multiple coats with a small cloth rag wrapped around my fingers and using circular motions, rub it in. While it won't repair serious cracks, it does make the leather softer and less prone to the ravages of time. I let the leather decide when I'm done (for it's slowed or stopped its absorption), then give it a gentle buffing with a clean cotton/flannel rag. Pecard has worked well for me - I'm not interested in changing the color of the leather, just preserving it. I've read that museums use Pecard for similar applications.

Purchased Pecard Leather Dressing on Bonanza
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