Mac Mascara
Customer Reviews Synopsis
5 reviews total •
3 reviews with comments

Purchased Mac Mascara on Bonanza

This mascara is nice in that it allows you to get to smaller lashes with the small applicator. There is some elongation due to this. It's not a miracle wand or mascara and doesn't look like false lashes by any means. This one smudges and flakes a bit too. Honestly, I don't see the reason to spend the extra money on a higher priced mascara when there are so many other ones out there for half the price that work just as well, if not better.
Purchased Mac Mascara on Bonanza

I have very thin lashes and this mascara makes them look full
Purchased Mac Mascara on Bonanza

Great product
I have very thin lashes and this mascara makes them look full
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This is discontinued now so I am glad they had it in stock! I love this stuff