Bythepowerof3 Amulet
Customer Reviews Synopsis
6 reviews total •
5 reviews with comments

Purchased Bythepowerof3 Amulet on Bonanza

The amulet is very powerful! I had a few Solomon related dreams just after I received it. My only gripe was the paper backing. I am hard on small objects (being a large fellow) so I made and epoxied (I make jewelry...) a polished silver disk on the back. The amulet is worth every penny!
Purchased Bythepowerof3 Amulet on Bonanza

This is a VERY powerful amulet!! And the seller... She is THE best!
Purchased Bythepowerof3 Amulet on Bonanza

This is a powerful amulet that leads one to feel closer to King Solomon while using in your work.
Purchased Bythepowerof3 Amulet on Bonanza

Amazing soloman glass amulet.has strong energy,with a powerful presence.
Purchased Bythepowerof3 Amulet on Bonanza

Awesome thanks