At T Handset
Customer Reviews Synopsis
4 reviews total •
4 reviews with comments

Purchased At T Handset on Bonanza

The handset would not connect to the Main Phone so I opened the old handset removed the defective number pad and replaced it with the number pad of the one purchased here. The old handset with the new number pad worked like a charm (directions to replace number pad on youtube
Purchased At T Handset on Bonanza

The handset failed to connect to the base. Otherwise, it seemed to be OK--but of no use.
Purchased At T Handset on Bonanza

I was very happy and surprised to be able to find this replacement part for my very old phone system. Works perfectly!!
Purchased At T Handset on Bonanza

Happy Shopper
I was very happy and surprised to be able to find this replacement part for my very old phone system. Works perfectly!!
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We've used these handsets for years -- they work great and are durable.