Can i import from bonanza to ebay

I know I can import from ebay to bonanza, but can I import from bonanza to ebay? What is the fee to do so

asked about 4 years ago

3 Answers

Yes you can send (export) from bonanza to ebay using the 13% advertising level and select ebay advertising…

“Recommended channel
When you opt into eBay Advertising, the Broadcaster will publish your items to eBay as 30-day fixed price listings. All standard eBay fees will apply if the item sells on eBay before Bonanza. eBay Advertising is available for the Standard (13%) commission rate and beyond.”

For more information

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Don’t forget that Bonanza charges a small fee for the right to publish (export) your Bonz items to eBay. From the help [URL removed]

“Bonanza charges a flat 1.5% fee of the selling price for any items sold on eBay through Bonanza. When you first enable eBay publishing, you can opt to automatically increase the price of your eBay listings to cover our fee.

Why do we charge a fee to sell on eBay? Bonanza’s fee covers the cost of maintaining and developing our eBay integration, and helps offset the money we spend to advertise your listing on our other shopping channels.

To unlock the option to list your Bonanza items on eBay, you must be at the Standard – 13% max fee advertising level or higher. This max fee will only apply if your item sells on Bonanza."

Here’s the entire FAQ for publishing to [URL removed]

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

The only way I know is to create a CSV file or pay for a service like List Perfectly.

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 41
See SamPuzo's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 724 times

Asked: about 4 years ago

Latest response: about 4 years ago

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