Why does bonanza employees only communicate by email and not by phone for specific help with issues?

I had been trying for some time to get help with email notifications to my company email.

Every time I get a sale, I do not receive a email to advise this, only in my bonanza email, which requires me to randomly open the bonanza website just to find out that a sale occurred.

To be fair, someone has responded from bonanza tech service asking if yahoo email is blocking or going to spam. I cannot find any evidence of this.

Any suggestions or help appreciated. Thanks

asked over 4 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.


Thank you for your questions and Welcome to Bonanza Community!

When a buyer makes a purchase from you we will send an email to the email that is registered to your Bonanza account.

If you are not seeing the email in your inbox, sometimes the item will sent to your Spam folder.

If you need additional support please email our support team and they will be glad to assist you further.
Contact us at [email protected]

Thank you and Happy Selling!

Kind Regards

Wanda T
Happiness Producer
Bonanza Support Team

answered over 4 years ago

1 Comment

DPSMOBILITY says: December 05, 2020

Thanks for your response. I get the notifications from stripe, paypal and internal bonanza email, but would like to receive them via my business email as well.

Every time I get a sale, I do not receive a email to advise this, only in my bonanza email,

Do you mean in the email that you signed up with on bonanza (account email) or do you mean messages through the bonanza system bmail (bonanza mail).

Notifications of sales go to the email on your account information page.
Sale information would not be in you bonanza messages mail, unless it is a buyer inquiring on status of a sale (which are also forwarded to you account email also)

You should recieve a notification in your account email as well as the payment processor notification (in which the sale can also be handled from there)

So I am unclear as to your meaning

Also check to make sure your settings are correct (which if you have been in contact with support they might have already checked)

Go to
Account Dashboard

My Notifications
check to see if your Buying and Selling notifications

Get an email when an offer or sale is made is marked yes…

I see that you have already checked about spam or blocking…

There was a gap in my notifications a few weeks ago…I finally tracked it down to the account email..was for some reason starting to send the sale notifications to spam (first time in 10 years)…I added the bonanza notifications to the contact list and my emails were again being forwarded to may main email

Sorry for the rambling..don’t know if any will help..only other advise is to check in to bonanza at least once a day.

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

DPSMOBILITY says: December 05, 2020

Thanks for your feedback, Everything looks right based on your suggestions. I do receive messages on the bonanza internal email, but would like to have a push notification to my business email. get notifications from paypal and stripe when a sale occurs. Maybe I’m overlooking something

I have our business email on the Bonanza booth settings page- is there a reason that you can’t make that change? I get order notifications and just have to click on the link in the email which takes you right to the sale page. I’m probably not saying this right-sorry. But I do also think that you can only have one contact email address so if you get Bonanza email and personal email you will have to decide which works better for you. Not much help but maybe someone can follow up on what I’m saying. People always anxious to help here. Happy and successful holiday sales for you. Oh- there is a phone contact number that should be available to you if you have a paid subscription- that’s been a bit of a maybe yes, maybe no for a long time- I think it is based on sheer volume alone but you can also get good response if you use the chat feature.

answered over 4 years ago

1 Comment

DPSMOBILITY says: December 05, 2020

Thanks for your feedback, Everything looks correct and I do receive messages on the bonanza internal email, paypal and stripe, but would still like to receive them thru my business email.

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answered over 4 years ago

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Asked: over 4 years ago

Latest response: over 4 years ago

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