Who else came from etsy?

I am also on Etsy. Are you? No sales here yet..but sales are just plain slow on both!!!!

asked about 6 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot May 01, 2018

Thanks for sharing. I’ve been wondering how sales are elsewhere.

8 Answers

I list on both Bonanza and Etsy. I started on Bonanza way back when and have been here all along.

In 2013, I started listing some items on Etsy, but not all my items qualify. I have about 4 – 5 times as many listings here as on Etsy.

Sales seem to be slow everywhere these days.

answered about 6 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot May 01, 2018

I remember when u started selling on Etsy, only I did my realize it’s been 5 years. Time is just going way too fast.

I still sell a few shirts on Etsy but as my market is targeted towards a very small group (model railroaders, car buffs, etc…) I find that I sell very little on Etsy and this I expect. However I do sell one once in a while as a birthday present or something. My main sales are in Ebay and my Ebay listings are imported here in Bonanza where I do get sales.

Judging from the items in your Bonanza store, seems it would be a good fit also on Etsy.

Hope this helps.

Melbourne FL
USMC Retired

answered about 6 years ago

Was a seller on & off Etsy [phone number removed] – left Etsy in 2017 when a seller could no longer be PayPal only plus the handful of sales per year simply wasn’t worth hanging onto that venue. However, I never “came from Etsy”…my roots are in eBay = 17 years. Have been an on & off seller on Bonanza since 2009 although I no longer have my original booth. The handful of sales I had gotten off Bonanza over the past few years keeps me in the “off” position more than “on”. I still get a few sales on eBay but will be gone from there when the new eBay payment system becomes mandatory for all sellers(eBay has followed in Etsy’s footsteps and will be removing PayPal only payment system.) Hopefully, Bonanza will become a more popular place for buyers in the near future. Bonanza has always had great potential, potential that just never seems to get off the ground.Here’s to the future of Bonanza!

answered about 6 years ago


zappys_closet May 03, 2018

From what I have read it seems as if ebay seems to be backing off of the totally get rid of PayPal idea, I hope that is correct

EmpressDepot May 04, 2018

I hope you are right, Zappy.

I think it was within the first year that Bonanza was up and going that I came from eBay. I had about a 4-year hiatus from Bonanza with my own website. Closed the website down because at the time I thought I was going to quit selling online due to my work and personal schedule offline.

So here I am as a hobby seller now but of course, I always wish for more than a few sales here and there.

Still sell on eBay periodically but will have to see how their changes have a true impact on sellers (fingers crossed). Hope it works because I actually do like eBay.


answered about 6 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot May 02, 2018

I just realized you asked about Etsy and not eBay. :) Sold on Etsy for a short time and may list on there again soon.

I sell on Etsy and sells are slow but they do trickle in. My favorite thing about Etsy is the prices I can Sale items for there seem to be higher then other platforms, but I came from eBay and have several stores there which I am happy with

answered about 6 years ago

I sell on Etsy as well as a few other venues but I maintain my booth here on Bonanza as my main location, any sales from the others I redirect them to here. We are coming into the slow season so we will definately see a decrease in sales. I also sold on eBay starting back in 1998 and dabble with them now and then just to keep my account current but they have really become a terrible site to sell on, I prefer the ease of operation here on Bonanza, but to get sales here you really have to do your own advertising.

answered about 6 years ago

I didn’t come directly from Etsy, but I have ‘sold’ there (using the term loosely) before. Prob is that listings are 20¢ each. Considering so little sells online, that cost really adds up.
Figuring fees and sales, I ended up breaking even, pretty much, in the end.
I really had a prob when I started selling craft supplies. I got buyers who would get the items then threaten to give me a bad review if I didn’t refund part of the sales~~they refused to return the items, just wanted a partial refund.
Another Etsy seller sold a $100 soap bomb machine (she made this machine herself) to an Etsy buyer. The buyer had the package forwarded to a different address, then claimed they never got it.
The seller went to Etsy to mitigate and Etsy sided with the buyer! So the seller not only lost the machine, but also lost a lot of money in the postage cost!
Etsy had, at the time at least, no active 800 number. One had to contact Etsy via e-mail and HOPEFULLY get a call back in the future days. Often, no response ever came.
No matter how blatant the threat of bad review, Etsy always sided with the buyer~~in my cases, at least.
But after I heard about that bath bomb incident, I nixed Etsy for quite a while.
Sure enough, while waiting for my listings to expire~~hey, I paid for those listings, so I might as well wait them out~~I got a mail scam of exactly the same ilk! Buyer bought my highest-cost items and had them forwarded at the post office. Then claimed they never got it!
Thing is, these buyers were also Etsy sellers! How they could do this to their fellow Etsians is beyond me!
I guess I don’t have this out of my system yet.
Anyway, I got two items on Etsy right [URL removed] Garden seeds. I’m thinking people who buy seeds are not the type to scam sellers of said items.
Of course, I use to think the same thing of crafters. And look what happened there.

Was that ? too long of an answer?

answered about 6 years ago

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