What rechargeable batteries last the longest?

I finally invested in a charger and batteries, but need more batteries. I’d like to know which kind to get to get the most bang for the buck.

I’m looking for info on how long they last between charges, and how many years/life you get from a battery.

Better for the earth and saves money in the end…can’t beat that.

Even if you’re not an expert, it’d be interesting to see what your experience has been, so I could do an informal tally of the results.

P.S. I’m talking AAA, AA, C, D, 9-volt

asked almost 15 years ago

11 Answers

Recharble batteries will only last long if you get a smart charger that turnes itself off when batteries are fully charged. Over charging batteries will kill the life of any recharble battery.I use Energizer myself.

answered almost 15 years ago

Yes! DURACeLL for sure…I always buy bulk lots of 100-200 Qty for both size AAA, AA….since I am on the G0 quite often, these come in handy for me. Plus, I jog 6 miles daily and rely on AA size for my various “daily SONY sport” players…I am 100% sold on this brand.

  • had to tackle this posting for sure (great question) thanks!

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

My husband bought the Duracell for at home and although I like it I can only charge 4 AA or 2 AAA at a time. We have had it for over a year and I think the charge lasts longer than regular non-rechargeable batteries. We have had this about 2 years and they are still going.

I bought the Energizer and really like it better because I can charge up to 4 of either the AA or the AAA at a time. They seem to last for months in my cordless optical mouse and many other appliances. I have had this about 18 months and it is still working too.

I don’t think you could go wrong with any rechargeables. Just look for features that fit your needs. Keep in mind that once charged they don’t seem to hold the charge sitting on a shelf. But if you take it off the charger and put it into your device it will last a long while.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 774
See froggieb's booth

I’ved used Energizer recharable AAs for several years. They hold their charge well and last a couple of years before they won’t hold a good charge. I use them in my digital camera and in my wireless keyboard and mouse.

answered almost 15 years ago

I also use Energizer, recharged them for almost 4 years, that is for my cameras (batteries lasted longer than camera, I broke the lens) batteries also are charged for several other items. I haven’t used any other kind.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 34
See Joytime's booth

I use Energizer They last me a long long time

answered almost 15 years ago

Personally, I have had little luck with the rechargables.
After cost of charger and the cost of the rechargable batteries, and them failing not to hold the charge, I tossed it all out and went back to normal batteries.
In my camera I use the lithium batteries, I find they last twice as long.

answered almost 15 years ago

Thanks ya’all. Looks like Energizer and Duracell win? Would’ve loved to hear if any lesser-known, cheaper brands were just as good.

editted to [URL removed] Thanks AntiquesRGreat!

answered almost 15 years ago

A rechargeable battery has a memory so You need to use the battery UNTIL IT IS COMPLETELY RUN DOWN BEFORE you recharge.Doing this will give you the longest life out of any rechargeable [URL removed]

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth

I use Radio Shack brand; with their charger.
It’s inexpensive, always seem to be on sale.
I’ve been recharging the same original batteries for over 2 years now.

answered almost 15 years ago

I use mostly Energizer rechargeable batteries with my camera, wireless keyboard and mouse. They last a lot longer than regular batteries and I am sold on the rechargeable batteries. I have replaced two batteries recently after 18 months of recharging and using in all three pieces of equipment.

In my quest over the past three years to buy fewer batteries, I have used store brand rechargeables and did not get the same life from them as from Energizer.

I would love to find a charger that turns off after the batteries are charged and have never seen one. That makes a lot of sense.

I found a smart charger at Batteries Plus yesterday and it was $48.99. The store clerk called it the Mercedes of all the chargers and it conditions the battery as well as charges it so it lasts longer. I’m still driving the VW.

answered almost 15 years ago

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Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: almost 15 years ago

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