What does it cost to sell here help please ????

I sold a item for 9.99 with shipping it came to 13.94 i was charged 8.11%(that was with economy advertising shown) when i would have expected to be charge 50 cents if they are going off the item charged price of 9.99, but if they are including the shipping then my item should only be 3.5% taken as it is then over the 10.00 requirement…

I seen no where that it states 8.11% ..economy is MAX 6% and then Basic
Max [URL removed] 9% so how do they get 8.11?? I have now opted out so does that mean now …Disable Advertising
Max [URL removed] 3.5% ?? Do they just take 3.5% now ???

Sorry but one never seems to know exactly what pecentage you are being charged per item sold

asked over 9 years ago

6 Answers

If you are signed up for advertising, the fee could be up to that percent -so if you picked 9% then the fee could be anywhere from 3.5 – 9%. If it is a very small dollar amount (under $5.00) then the percent could be higher. They do not charge fees on shipping for the first $10.00.

answered over 9 years ago

$9.99 + $13.94 shipping equals = $23.94

You are allowed a $10.00 shipping allowance which means you were charged a FVF on $13.94. This is the way it has always been at bonanza (since the very beginning), fvf are charged on any shipping over $10.00

The percentage you choose is a maximum according to how many advertising clicks the items has had (click on the little blue i next to the fee and it will tell you how many advertising clicks your item had).

So if you chose 9% then the maximum fee would be 9% (never more) but many time it is less because there is usually only a few advertising clicks…so if yours was 8.11% you are still being charge less than the 9% you selected.

It worked as it was supposed to.

Without the advertising activated your fvf will now be 3.5% or $.50 which ever is higher..but your items will no longer show in google shopping and it will be charge on item price + any shipping over $10.00

Also even if you expected the fee of $.50 on $9.99, it will show as a 5% fvf because $.50 is 5% of $9.99 and not show as 3.5% because 3.5% of 9.99 (or even in case this $13.94) is < than $.50

And no, exact % is not known until item sells and the number of clicks is calculated but it will never, ever, be above what you choose

[URL removed]

*[URL removed]

Sorry I miss understood

Your total cost was $13.94…with shipping allowance your fvf on 9.99 would be $0.50 or up to 6% ($0.60)(if this is what you actually chose)….you are correct it, should not have been above 6% unless the item cost was so low that minimum fee of $.50 is a higher percentage than your chosen advertising cost.

Since I can only assume what the fee was $0.81 or 8.11% or $9.99, because you did not give the fee, I cannot give a satisfactory answer, unless, there were click fees added to the minimum of $.50. (You also did not tell how many advertising clicks your item received)

The low cost items ($15.00) are hard predict because of the minimum fee.

You do not have to opt out of the advertising for all your items. You can select to only pay the 6% on certain items and leave items less than $15.00 out of the advertising fee (or google feed).

Go to Update Items as a group
Select Search Optimize
Select all the items you do NOT want to be charged the extra fee for (advertising fee) by checking them
Suppress GPS [URL removed] Enable Disable
Check Enable

And those items will not be sent to google and will not be charged the advertising fee…but again realize that the $.50 minimum will show as higher than 3.5% on lower cost items

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


justenergycsr November 26, 2014

I didn’t know this. But what if you do free shipping?

ccmom November 26, 2014

You are charge for the total price…if you have items listed as free shipping..

Arizona4Granny November 29, 2014

Thanks CCmom yes u are correcr they charged the .81/ and Thank You for the above info it is very helpful/only answer i can come up with is that the way they do it is not quite really transparent or people would not be so confused on the .50 minimum and 3.5%![URL removed]

Thank You but i did not charge 10.00 for shipping the shipping cost was 3.95 items cost was 9.99 and i had not choose 9% i had choose the 6% one…so i still do not understand that part of your answer…..
But i do understand the second part of your answer for the opt out choice thanks for the info :)

answered over 9 years ago


ccmom November 26, 2014

my miss understanding, I will edit the answer..okay

ccmom November 26, 2014

So I am assuming you were charged .81 for 9.99 item which is the 8.11% correct..did you check the number of advertising clicks you had..and this comment make sense…but if they are including the shipping then my item should only be 3.5% taken as it is then over the 10.00 requirement…??

ccmom November 26, 2014

I hate can’t edit comments…

I hesitate to ask this but are you sure you have opted into economy and not basic? I ask because a fee of 8.11% would not be unreasonable. The fee should never go ABOVE the selected percent, with the possible exceptions of rounding and minimum. If you are still uncomfortable with the fee, please contact support for an explanation. All we’re really able to do here is hypothesize.

answered over 9 years ago


ccmom November 26, 2014

you are right, I can only give information on the way it is supposed to work…not what actually happened without the all the information

ThePurpleKattery November 28, 2014

How do you opt into economy versus basic??? I started before the ad fee thing.. I am confused about this point.

Arizona4Granny November 29, 2014

AbbysAttic/ i did not opt out till after i seen the 8.11% and am now opted out down to Basic and u opt into your choice by checking the box on the page where u pick what type of advertising you want

I have found out that Bonanza charges you a full advertising commision on a vast majority of your orders, even if you had 1 payed click on your item. Most of my sales show 16% commision charged(with a very few clicks, that I know for a fact did not cost the commision that Bonanza earnt). Some of the higher priced items in the few hundred range usually get a drop in fees payed, but I have been stuck with 16% on almost all of my sales. During the last month though, I’ve noticed that every 10-12th order they would skip charging me the full 16%, but for the most part the fees are pretty outrageous if you chose the full advertising option.

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

miraworks December 24, 2014

Thanks for this info.

You can start the conversation by saying something like, “Hey I wanted to talk to you about where we are going in the relationship. Do you have time right now?” [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered over 3 years ago

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Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 3 years ago

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