What can you say about a compressive socks?

Hello! I have some troubles with my legs and I am thinking about compressive socks. Do you have experience of use? Is it okay?

asked almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

1 Comment

skateboardgeek says: December 10, 2021

Sorry, never used them. Would you mind to mention what is the trouble with your legs?

4 Answers

It depends on your problem, but I use them fairly regularly. I have some RLS in my right leg, and it helps keep it settled at night, so I can get to sleep.

answered almost 4 years ago

I used them alot after I had knee surgeries..

My legs have a tendency to swell (retain fluid) and the compression socks/knee highs help with circulation.

I do not wear everyday anymore, usually on vacations when lots of walking is involved. They keep your legs from tiring and make it easier to stand/walk for long periods of time. And they do help prevent swelling if you sit long hours also.

There are 2 kinds..over the counter in which compression has a lower mmhg compression and perscription which is higher, based on what you need.

Over the counter ones are not as good for me as the prescription ones, though I will use them for more routine things around the house

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

The purchase and use of such things should only be done under the close supervision of a doctor!

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 44

Sorry, but I don’t use them. Wishing you well however.

answered over 3 years ago

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Viewed: 698 times

Asked: almost 4 years ago

Latest response: over 3 years ago

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