gifts inquiry completed

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asked over 12 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
21 Answers

If young girl is inspired by the art then best gift for the christmas would be to buy her a piece of art or painting and give for her to look each day until she wants to develop her artistic talents. To see the art form each day is a natural learn tool for the art student.
Diego Castro

answered over 12 years ago

Monty if she is into art I’d try finding something that would help her in perfecting art. There are so many genres of art I can’t be more specific.

On the other hand most girls her age are big into fashion.

You have your job cut out for you on this one buddy. Good luck. Wish I could have been more helpful.

answered over 12 years ago

If she creates art, how about art or craft supplies, or a gift card to an art supply or craft store? Maybe books or DVDs. Posters, t-shirts or memorabilia of her favorite artists, movies, music, shows, etc.

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 202
See ecostar's booth

Gift cards from any bookstore works for my neice. She could spend hours in Books A Million. Maybe a Kindle or other E-Reader??

answered over 12 years ago

Hi Montrose, being the Mom of a fully grown daughter, with 3 sons… I don’t have a clue for sure. :) lol!!

My ideas might be such as passes to Art shows in your area, for her and some friends, See if the Trans Siberian Orchestra will be coming to your area soon, send her and some friends to the concert… (They are VERY hot right now) Annnnddd maybe … how about, community ed classes for jewelry making or a type of art she is interested in.

There are silver smithing and jewelry making classes sometimes available. At her age, she may like the challenge of a class where she can use a hammer, and an anvil and a torch.. lol!!

Some things a little out of the box anyway…

answered over 12 years ago

Digital Camera?? If your Niece is close to the driving age, perhaps a GPS System.

answered over 12 years ago

If your niece is into artsy stuff I would get her an artists set or a jewelry kit so she can craft some jewelry for herself or her friends. Makeup and perfume are always nice gifts too.

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 64
See sal2320's booth

Teenage girls also love my jewelry, especially the earrings.

answered over 12 years ago

Well, I just heard from my 15 year old granddaughter and Heavy Metal music and skulls are cool!! Okay…this too shall pass??!! I am hoping.

answered over 12 years ago

name brands name brands name brand stuff. or gift cards at A&E, Abercrombie, etc. they love to shop for themselves. I give my neices name brand wallets with the giftcard in it. a double your pleasure trip

answered over 12 years ago

well, if she isn’t a material girl and into fun art, maybe she likes painting, drawing, etc? You can makes loads of stocking stuffers out of paints, brushes, paper etc. Plus there are all the how-to books and art books out there.

If she likes anime style art, thats a whole other territory with all the anime books and films.

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth

Well having raised two girls and working for a school I think I may be able to help you out [URL removed]

Most Popular Ideas

Jewelry (of course) Hearts & Stars are popular at this age
Music CD’s
Funky Hats for the artsy gals
Big Fuzzy Slippers
Nail Art Kits
Scrapbooking supplies for all those high school pictures

Basket Gift [URL removed]
Fill with art supplies, beads, findings
Fill with nail polish, decals, remover & cotton balls
Fill with bath supplies & a scrubby with lots of lotions & gels
Fill with hair care supplies

Good Luck…hope this helps a bit

answered over 12 years ago

Hi Monty :) I sell alot of artisan hand crafted sparkling anklets to the teenagers around me & they wear them with & do special orders too. I hope you find something she will treasure for years to come!

answered over 12 years ago

I sell alot of my jewelry to teenage girls- they seem to appreciate the style of it. And I agree with sal2320, you can always try to get her a jewelry kit so she can create her own fashion too!

answered over 12 years ago

hello,try this website [URL removed]

answered over 12 years ago

I have two teenage girls, and one of the things they appreciate the most is an Itunes card so they can download songs onto their Ipods.

I went into a craft store looking for a replacement chain for my daughter’s necklace and was amazed at all of the choices for making necklaces/earrings/bracelets. That would be a good choice, too.

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 12
See cocoran's booth

A hot new craze for the teen girls is Crackle nail polish….My daughter and I had a crackle party last night, and spent hours experimenting with the colors and different crackle effects.

answered over 12 years ago

My daughter like money, jewelry, music, make-up,gift cards, clothes for gifts. Although she don’t want me purchasing the clothes myself anymore.

answered over 12 years ago

I have a brick and mortar shop and young women of this age are usually drawn to my Viva Beads jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings). My daughter is 19 and loves this jewelry.

Another idea would be a charm bracelet and look for charms with an artistic theme such as an artist palette, paintbrush etc.

Good luck!

answered over 12 years ago

Along with the other Great Response is The Bible your granddaughter you say oops I double check (Your Niece)well it may not be any of my business but that happens to be the age I got my first Bible Because I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ!
Blessings to you her and the family!

answered over 12 years ago

Thank you

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
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Viewed: 4743 times

Asked: over 12 years ago

Latest response: over 12 years ago

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