I purchase two turbo packs, but several days ago, and it stills says 100% remaining. I haven’t sold anything so it should be running correct? Not sure what I am doing wrong. Thanks!
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JeffreyG1137 Reputation: 10 See JeffreyG1137's booth |
If your package is still at 100% then that means that no one has clicked on one of the ads placed on the internet…
I do not know what you chose for your turbo traffic packs…
Volume, which means the value of the clicks is higher and are more exposed
Or value which means the value of the clicks is lower and the turbo traffic fee takes longer to use up….example something like 25 cents versus 5 cents
Go to Selling dashboard and scroll down to see activity in the last 30 days..it should show how many view turbo ad clicks brought in…
Batch edit
Adverising should also show how many click your items have received though various methods…google, bing, ads, etc
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CindyBear Reputation: 3068 See CindyBear's booth |
My Turbo Traffic has been at 100% for months now even though there’s been a drastic drop in views and sales.
60 Days- 351 TT views, 0 “advertised views” for google shopping.
30 Days- 107/0.
Last week- 0/0/0
Something’s not right!
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public-direct Reputation: 174 See public-direct's booth |
Viewed: 676 times
Asked: over 2 years ago
Latest response: over 2 years ago
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