I recently advised in another posting how to temporarily RAISE prices and then RESTORE them back to their original prices. (See https://www.bonanza.com/community_help/USPS_SURGE_Pricing_Now_in_effect)
Well, here’s how to do the opposite of that. Perhaps you want to have a temporary sale by reducing your prices, but then want a fast way to increase them back to the original pricing. Here’s [URL removed]
For example, to discount your prices 10%, put a POSITIVE 10% (10) into the batch editor field where it asks you to apply a discount. Then, when you want to reverse the change, apply a NEGATIVE 11.1% (-11.1) into the discount box and you will get your original price back.
The best method to do this is to use the Batch Editor. Sort your FOR SALE items (by name), and then apply the discount to ONE PAGE of items at a time. I always do a screen shot of each page, so that if any changes get messed up, I have an image I can look at and I’ve never messed up more than ONE page of items. Frankly, though, I’ve never had the Batch Editor mess up on me.
Here’s a list of common percentages to decrease prices and the percentages you need to restore the prices back to the original. Remember, these numbers go into the APPLY DISCOUNT box on the Batch Editor Item Basics page. DON’T put the percentage sign into the box… it’s already there by default. Just enter the number.
To DISCOUNT prices…….USE this NUMBER………To RESTORE, use this NUMBER
5% 5 -5.26
10% 10 -11.1
15% 15 -17.6
20% 20 -25.0
If you’re doubtful, try it on ONE item first. But, I’ve been doing this for several years and it works. If you’re interested in the math behind it, I can explain it to you as I was a high school math teacher.
Good luck.
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tomwayne1 Reputation: 8637 See tomwayne1's booth |
Viewed: 1525 times
Asked: over 4 years ago
Latest response: over 4 years ago
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