Question about advertising levels

I haven’t begun listing items yet, because I’d like to know before hand how things work here, and I have a question about the advertising options..

When choosing a plan, is it global across all my items, or am I able to choose individual items, say as follows,

Item 1 is set to basic low fee plan
Item 2 is set to highest fee plan.

Let’s put it this way, I don’t want to pay highest fee plan to advertise the cheap little stuff, but figure it’s worth it to advertise the more expensive and bigger stuff in order to sell it faster.

Can different items or categories be on different plans?

Thank you

asked about 4 years ago

4 Answers

As @KarensCollections stated, the advertising is “global”, meaning all your items are advertised at the same rate. HOWEVER, you could create a second booth and separate your items between the booths and use different advertising rates for each.

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

It is Global for the booth, however, you can remove some of the items from the google shopping feed and these will not be charged at the advertising FVF level, but at the 3.5% regular fee.

Use of other methods for advertising these item, like social media, posting on blogs, and google organic searches..

I use this for some of the lowest cost items where the extra % is really not feasable and will just waste the ad clicks that can be used for more profitable items

To suppress items from a google feed

Batch Edit
Search Optimize
Select items to remove from google shopping
Suppress Google Shopping submission
Click on Enable

These items will not appear in google shopping but will appear in google organic…searches

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


MommyOf2QTsScentWork says: December 14, 2020

Wow, I didn’t know you could hand pick items to remove from Google Shopping. Thanks for the info.

ccmom says: December 15, 2020

Welcome Mommy…it is one of those things that has always been there, just not something many think about

It’s global. I wouldn’t go over the 9% though. Sales are extremely slow here no matter what level you choose.

answered about 4 years ago

Thank you everyone who responded. Much appreciated

answered about 4 years ago

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Asked: about 4 years ago

Latest response: about 4 years ago

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