Besides shipping, have any of you made decisions recently on going up on some or all of your prices?
I’ve had some stuff for more than a few years and set their price and left it. But I’ve been going back through checking items sold on eBay along with comparing prices in general.
I just really felt it was time to take another look after all that time. It’s been about 50/50….some I change and some I leave alone. I’ve not went down though because when first listing, I knew the lowest I could go.
As far as shipping goes, I recently went up on that but it was the first time I went up since opening my booth.
For example, I used to ship 2.99 first class on some items and increased to 3.50.
I did not like doing that but it was time.
Curious to know how this has gone or has not gone for u?
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EmpressDepot Reputation: 7035 See EmpressDepot's booth |
I myself am constantly upgrading listings with new pics, blurbs and prices both up and down depending on trends as there are so many new sellers added to the mix daily. For me, my lowest shipping cost is $4.25 which just barely covers supplies (Boxes, Bags, Packing peanuts, Tape) but I do not want to go too high as I feel no need to cheat my customers. I would prefer the repeat business.
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FantasticFinds2014 Reputation: 396 See FantasticFinds2014's booth |
I just update the shipping costs when they increase every year and the USPS is basically putting me out of business as some items I have now, the shipping is higher than the item. Of course if a buyer purchases more than one of the same shipment type item (like Media) I can cut the ship costs for the 2nd one quite a bit and refund them the overage but seldom do they buy more than one of my Dvd’s or Series so they don’t get a break on just the one. I cant do automatic combined shipping here as what I sell is so varied, by size, wgt and distance pricing besides shipment class, that it is impossible for me to figure all possibilities automatically. I do say ask first about combined but nobody ever does. I’m lucky if they read the descriptions.
Atomicdiner Reputation: 1902 See Atomicdiner's booth |
I check things every year when I update for postal increases.
At that time, I often remove any heavier items that are not worth the shipping costs. Many of these may be things I’ve had a long time, from when prices were cheaper!
I also remove large, lightweight things that will sting me with the dimensional shipping costs, as well as some stuff that just is a PITA to package.
I’ve been on vacation since last March, due to COVID uncertainties and shipping delays. Those delays are STILL happening with Canada Post and USPS, in certain areas.
Now, the new rates have started, so I’m working on updating my shipping costs to re-open again soon.
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BookbinEtc Reputation: 1322 See BookbinEtc's booth |
Let’s keep your experience coming. It’s always interesting to hear each individual’s own experience and how we can relate.
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EmpressDepot Reputation: 7035 See EmpressDepot's booth |
I have increased the postage cost where I ship at a flat cost per item. I’m closest to the East Coast so I have to make postage high enough to cover first class package shipping to the West Coast. It was easier when first class package was the same no matter where you shipped in the US.
I’ve removed some larger items and also grouped others together to make bigger lots which are usually more cost efficient with postage. I heard somewhere, “list big, sell big”. Or maybe I made it up as a derivative of “play big, win big” (can’t remember for sure).
I have also been searching eBay for recent selling prices and updating as per my findings. Most prices have either stayed the same or gone up. I try to stay below their prices to hopefully entice more buyers to come here to purchase.
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MommyOf2QTsScentWork Reputation: 76 See MommyOf2QTsScentWork's booth |
I cannot believe that I have been charged $43.00 for shipping model airplanes to the west coasr. This is outrageous!!!
As you know, online shopping is usual things for all of us in these days. So I want to share a website to help you to save. Here is the coupon code [URL removed] website. You may find thousand of brands’ coupons there such as Bonanza Coupon [URL removed]
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SyedK38 Reputation: 20 |
When I have the extra time I like to go through my listing categories using the batch editor and just scan the lists for things like shipping method, prices that may be out of date, etc. You’ll probably find lots of details to tweak. It’s very helpful to have the category in list form, which is easy to scan. With the right attitude, this “homework” can even be relaxing as well as worthwhile.
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Littleblackdog Reputation: 239 See Littleblackdog's booth |
I just spent the last 2 months recosting my inventory and then increasing prices no more than about 10% to account for inflation. It turns out my prices were too high, so I lowered them. Go figure. But I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about pricing, since I have to account for other costs that come along during the year.
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Carlyle_BG Reputation: 40 See Carlyle_BG's booth |
Viewed: 725 times
Asked: about 4 years ago
Latest response: about 4 years ago
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