Items pulled or not?

I have imported most of my listings from eBay. If an item sells, will it automatically be pulled off eBay as sold or do I need to go in and pull it?

And, if I end my listings, and sell similar on eBay, those items get new numbers. Will those items double up my listings on Bonanza. Meaning, will that item show twice? Will I have to go delete listings that I do this with?

asked over 4 years ago

3 Answers

Go into your import items from ebay and under remove items make sure you have checked “only remove items that were sold or ended on ebay”. Then it should automatically remove your solds, but I double check my listings on bonz as sometimes they are still there and delete myself.
When you end your listings on ebay and sell similar again under your import settings
under new and revised items make sure you have checked "import new and revised items " that overwrites your existing listings and updates them.

answered over 4 years ago

Even with the preset actions to remove items from eBay if sold on Bonanza, I always run through my listings at least every few days and frequently find something still listed on Bonanza that shouldn’t be and vice versa. It’s best to keep an eye on the listings so you don’t sell something you don’t have.

Some of the problem comes from renewing listings on eBay and those being automatically imported to Bonanza… then the older version of the listing sells on Bonanza… and now you’ve still got the new listing in both places! Best to keep a watch on everything, just to be safe.

answered over 4 years ago

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