How do i post a picture in forum response?

I am pretty new on Bonanza. This morning I tried to participate in one or two of the fun and games threads, but I’m having trouble getting a link to a product to show up as a picture in the post—let alone a clickable picture.

I use a Macbook. Can anyone let me know the best way to do this?


asked over 9 years ago

1 Answer

Picture has to be online
You will need the URL of the photo…
if it is a listing in the booth…then get it from the listing…some host photos online like a photobucket and use those links

Place the URL between exclamation points (!) immediately before and after, no spaces and the photo will appear in the forums..

be aware of the size of the picture

Here is the URL from an item in your booth..this is the thumb from your listing page

[URL removed]

place between ! ! (here it is with spaces)

! [URL removed] !

Remove the spaces between the ! and the URL

![URL removed]

to make the picture clickable, get the URL of it’s location add a colon (:) and then the URL.

Here it is with spaces

! [URL removed] ! : [URL removed]

! URL of picture ! : URL of location

Without spaces

![URL removed]

Clickable image

I do not know how you get the URL of a picture on Macbook, but for computer using chrome it is merely right click Copy img URL

Once you have the URL, posting in the forums is pasting URL between ! !

For more information see this old forum thread

[URL removed]

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

VintageSpecialties November 27, 2014

On a Mac, hold the Control key down while clicking on image.

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Viewed: 1370 times

Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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