How do i make a counteroffer? how do i add shipping to an invoice?

Please forgive a n00b.
I’ve read the information [URL removed] [URL removed] , but it doesn’t specifically tell me how to make a counteroffer.

I see two buttons below the buyer’s offer. One says “Accept Order,” and the other says, “Cancel Order.”

My problem is that the buyer sent an offer for the list price of an item, but the shipping shows up as free on the invoice, which is not what is in the listing (it’s calculated shipping).

I’ve read here [URL removed] that I’m not to edit an invoice if the buyer sends the order as an offer.

I just want to put shipping back on the order, as the price of the item will not cover shipping by half.

Please excuse my ignorance.

asked over 9 years ago

3 Answers

In the email you got that tells you you have an offer..

there is a link that says

You can review this Order on Bonanza

click on it

Once you do that, a screen will come up, that

If you’d like to make changes to this invoice, you can change your invoice here) (this is a link for you to make a counter offer)…

This page should also show when you click the Review Invoice link also

Note that when someone makes an offer, the way it is set up is that shipping is included and will not show as a separate cost in the offer.

When making an offer, the buyer is shown the total cost with shipping and is supposed to make the offer based on that total cost.

If the Offer comes with just the cost of the item, then, that means that the shipping was not set up for the buyer’s location, ie the buyer incorrectly entered their zip code, or is internationally located in an area where you do not ship…or the the buyer is asking you to ship the item free (they saw the total cost of item and shipping and made an offer for cost of item only)

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


Ms_Prissys_Patterns November 21, 2014

I have had two sales this week out of the country, which was not on my listings. I clicked on the “Change your invoice” and added the first class shipping, which I had to do at the post office, and everything went well.

whatsitsgalore April 23, 2016

Is this info still valid? I want to make a counter offer anc can’t find a link anywhere. There is no “You can review this Order on Bonanza” that I can see. Am I blind?

Is this info still valid? I want to make a counter offer anc can’t find a link anywhere. There is no “You can review this Order on Bonanza” that I can see. Am I blind?

answered about 8 years ago

If you want to make a counteroffer then you should read this article. You can add shipping to your invoice and can easily visit [URL removed] to complete the task. Technical things are getting more advanced with the coming days. Thanks for sharing this blog page with us. Keep sharing more.

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 2299 times

Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: almost 4 years ago

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