How do i get an antique book to show in search engines?

I have a book worth over 100.00, that used to show up in search engines when I posted it for sale several years ago. How do I get it to show again?

I just disabled feed suppression to Google for all my items and changed advertising to economy, but with Google requirements on ISBN and all, I’m afraid the book still won’t show. In fact, I’m afraid that nothing I sell will ever show again. My booth feed still shows disabled.

The problem is the book was written in 1929. There was no ISBN. If this book does not start showing up in feeds, I will have to sell it on another platform where it will show up in feeds… sorry, I filled out that exception paperwork years ago, but gave up selling here until now.

So, is there anything else I should do to get the book to show on search engines again? Thanks for your help.

asked over 9 years ago

2 Answers

Purple, the exception is no more. Google Shopping now has an attribute for items like that. If your feed is going to GS, it should automatically be entered, and you will see it in Batch Edit, Search Optimize. It should say [[identifier_[URL removed]

That covers items like books with no ISBN, handcrafted items, and other items without 2 of the 3 required item identifiers.

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

ThePurpleKattery November 29, 2014
It should say [[identifier_[URL removed] Thanks! I saw that identifier – so the false is a good thing. Why does it still say Google feed suspended, after I disabled feed suppression?

Several years ago Google Shopping (as opposed to ’’generic’’ Google) was VASTLY different than it is today. You’re better of PROMOTING your item in places [URL removed] Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, InstaGram and the like…because of all the Changes that Happened within Google Shopping one must conform to their standards or requirements for an item to show within the Google Shopping pages/feeds. There are more Search Engines than ONLY Google, and there are MORE ways to Promote than only hoping your booth items will probably show up somewhere. . ..
Most sellers have come to realize, if you want your booth items showing up in SOME KIND of Search Engine, (no matter WHAT your items are) you MUST Self Promote in MANY different places, THAT will then assure you SOME peeps/potential customers WILL see your promotions! There are people right here in Bonanza for a low fee will PROMOTE YOUR BOOTH/ITEMS for you, too, if you don’t want to put in the time. I hope my answer helps somewhat, maybe someone will come along and give you an even more thorough answer, have a Blessed Holiday Season! Dee

answered over 9 years ago


ThePurpleKattery November 29, 2014

Thanks, Dee! Self-promoting really does help, especially for custom made items such as arts and crafts and photography. One fun thing is my selling name, The Purple Kattery is so unique that it shows up in all search engines!

Abbysantiques November 29, 2014

I agree. When I search, I find more looking at images. I am getting lookers & sales from pinterest.

ThePurpleKattery December 02, 2014

My Antique Teletone Radio is now showing up in Yahoo search, but not in Google. My C.B. Falls book is still not showing anywhere.

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Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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