Google shopping has gone back to being free.

All the years here..first time I started a help thread

Just a head’s up

“Beginning next week, search results on the Google Shopping tab will consist primarily of free product listings, the company said.”

Wonder how this will affect our feeds and fvf…of course “you’ll still have to advertise to get exposure in the advertising sections in Google’s main search pages.”

My sales here were growing strong here then google shopping started charging and sales tanked and never really went back to where they were…don’t know it this will change anything….maybe

Perhaps the fees can go to extra ads

[URL removed]

asked over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


dcpinc April 24, 2020

So is Bonanza going to stop charging us for Google Shopping Fees ???

Atomicdiner April 24, 2020

I always was under the impression that if you chose at least 8 pch advertising, that it went into Google. Does this mean something different than what google is going to change to?

Atomicdiner April 24, 2020

Typo, that was 9 (nine) percent. Sorry

ccmom April 24, 2020

when google shopping was free…there was no option for a 9% fvf for google shopping…that only started AFTER google started charging…if google is not charging then the ad fee is not necessary (or could be lowered to cover their costs)

ccmom April 24, 2020

remember the fee was 3.5% and our items went to google, then google started charging so bonz gave the option to choose to send items to google by choosing the 9%

BookbinEtc April 24, 2020

That’s interesting to know. I remember when I had well over 300 items in GS. It was great; now zip.

Atomicdiner April 25, 2020

Thanks for the Clarification CCMOM. But NOW it if will be free, and we were doing at least 9pct anyway, I see NO CHANGE will happen overall HERE then.

ccmom April 25, 2020

..when it changes back to free, will we have to still pay for it…..we didn’t before

whimseys April 25, 2020

These are all good questions. Hope they are answered.

EmpressDepot April 25, 2020

The good old I remember days lol. One thing I do not want to have come back is to do “all” of our attributes on our own. I was so happy when it changed and we no longer had to. This really surprised me that Google is no longer charging. I mean I know they are known for trying new things out and….

EmpressDepot April 25, 2020

…changing their mind but this, with it being a money earner, blows my mind…or maybe it was not a money earner for them or maybe they were getting businesses saying that even though they paid such and such per click, Google was not giving their products proper placement in which I can see..

EmpressDepot April 25, 2020

…happening. the unfolding after no longer charging will be very interesting. I wonder what Bonz is thinking about this change. It would be a good time for a blog on this. However, Bonz does front pay per clicks ahead of time, so I imagine it may be a little bit before they can come back down on..

EmpressDepot April 25, 2020

…on their FVF on a lot of listings.

Atomicdiner April 26, 2020

I still think Google has some sort of ulterior motive for doing this change. They are greedy but NOT as greedy as the Auction site

ccmom April 26, 2020

Actually, Sharon they do pay ahead of time…and eat the fee if our item does not sell….We only pay if the item sells.

EmpressDepot April 30, 2020

Hi Cindy. I believe we’re on the same page :)

4 Answers

Reducing the FVF% Bonanza sellers are charged AND still having our items submitted to GS by Bonanza would allow Bonanza to compete better against eBay.

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


EmpressDepot April 25, 2020

Yep, I’d be game for this.

ccmom April 26, 2020

we did pretty good in google placings when it was free….and totally agree with you

To be honest and from my own experience with my booth and what I carry, I sold better via Google shopping once they started doing the pay per click. This actually makes me a little nervous.

I’ll read the Google blog though and c if it makes me feel better.

Editing to [URL removed]

I just looked at the blog. Interesting but I’m not understanding what they are saying about PayPal….but I’m so glad to see that PayPal will be spreading their wings, especially since eBay is more or less dumping them. I love dealing with PayPal.

I’m curious to to hear from Bonanza on this because they make changes like this easier for me to understand.

I’m sure we can expect some type of change on Bonanza stemming from Google shopping being free.

I know Google has been in the news some during the Coronavirus as being the good guy. Its definitely given them some free advertisement also. I know it is not about that except that maybe a wee little bit that it does not hurt.


Editing to add on May 1[URL removed]

I just saw Bonanza Wanda’s post on this matter and I’m going to stay at the 9 percent FVF. For once in my life, this time I’m happy to say I do not want free. Lol

answered over 4 years ago

I don’t think any of my stuff has ever been shown in Google. I am signed up for the 9% and most of my items are with free shipping. I think everything is comparable in price with everyone else here so I am bumfuzzled as to why no sales. Maybe I am not believing hard enough! Be happy! ;)

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 30
See Glodeo's booth


ccmom April 27, 2020

for the items I checked, they were in google..but you really have to use plain white backgrounds do get decent google representation…

EmpressDepot April 30, 2020

This is a really good suggestion from ccmom, Glodeo. The thing is, is that you definitely have nice stuff and you want to show it off. U can by white poster boards at the Dollar general. This is what I use as my background. I just put part of the poster of the poster board flat and the other end

EmpressDepot April 30, 2020

…. against the wall. I take the photos near a window with good lighting. I do not use my flash…and I use bonanzas free background burner more times than not or at least 50/50. Hope this helps

EmpressDepot April 30, 2020

Here’s a link on Dollar General for the white poster board. The poster is completely flexible [URL removed]

Have you seen the google blog?
[URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago


ccmom April 27, 2020

yes…I posted this 3 days ago before the blog…thanks!

ccmom April 27, 2020 mean the post by bonanza? Right

NecktieGuy April 28, 2020

No, the actual Google Blog.

ccmom April 28, 2020 blog not bonanza blog…I misunderstood

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