Do the bonanza owners realise they now have a uk site?

I only ask as all the shipping (postage in English) is defaulted to a seller LIVING in the USA ON the UK site! As is the currency.
I’ve asked for help but after 3 e-mails they decided, it seems, to ignore the issue in the hope it goes away.
Now, I have had customers from the USA in the past who had no idea there were other currencies around the world and had never heard of the pound!
I also saw on here negative feedback for a UK seller from an American buyer complaining delivery was too slow and that next day delivery would be more appropriate next time…….I rest my case.

asked almost 10 years ago

2 Answers

Well, I know there is a UK site…as to how it works for your locations, I am sorry to say, many of us have little experience with them. It is a recent addition and previously all international sellers in the past had to set up using the US site.

However, I see the bonanza site as US because I am on the US site…please note that if a buyer goes to your booth from the UK link [URL removed] they will see the prices as pounds
If they go through the US link [URL removed] they will see it as USD

I can see your booth like this [URL removed] or I can see your booth like this [URL removed]

It is dependent on the buyer and what links the buyer follows to your booth and bonanza really cannot control that…especially for anyone who hides IP or location when surfing the internet and the currency is defaulted to the sites location and can be changed by the buyer/visitor by clicking the link at the bottom of the page

You may wish to reiterate your location to buyers/visiters outside of the UK and redirect them to the US link if they are in the US to help with confusion.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Thanks for the information. I didn’t know this.

answered almost 10 years ago

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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