Can anyone see my listings?

I am BrandNew and can’t find Any of My listings on bonanza…..I made A Webstore…and possibly anything…..Please Feel Free to Give Me idea’s Also on Making Anything Better…..Also When Something Sells on Here….Will it take the Listing automatically off of Ebay?……Or how does it work?

asked over 4 years ago


BargainHunterCrafts says: October 17, 2020

I see 198 listings.

Atomicdiner says: October 17, 2020

I never would cross Pollinate to Ebay but from what I read in the past, IT WILL NOT remove it from Ebay if it sells here.

Sewing_Precision says: October 17, 2020

Hi Atomicdiner,

abigdogmom says: October 18, 2020

I don’t know who you are wanting to speak with, but it would be best to message them rather than putting your phone number here.

Sewing_Precision says: October 18, 2020

Hi, Can You Please Help Me on What I am Doing Wrong With Cross Polinating…..I am Brand New & soDon’t know anything…..And is the Bonanza Membership Worth it & Pay off? Thank-you so Much!

Atomicdiner says: October 20, 2020

Perhaps Cross Pollinating was a bad choice of terms I used. It is my own referring to placing the same item at more than one place at the same time which I never do (of did).

4 Answers

Hi, I mean when You try to Search Straight from bonanza Search……

answered over 4 years ago

1 Comment

ArtistsUnion says: October 18, 2020

Your items are [URL removed] ![URL removed]

[URL removed] “When Something Sells on Here….Will it take the Listing automatically off of Ebay?…”

“Sellers can choose to remove listings from eBay when they have sold on Bonanza under the “More import options” section (if you currently have the importer setup to sync your listings, you must cancel the sync before you can revise your settings).
Select the option to “Update the item quantity on eBay after a Bonanza sale” then start your import to save those settings. If you only have one of the item posted on eBay, we will end the listing where eBay permits it."

answered over 4 years ago

1 Comment

_Samuraider939 says: December 04, 2020

Thanks, very impressive. Really I appreciate you to continue your work.

I’ve found it’s worth it to check into Bonanza daily. You can get 10 free bonus points a day, which you can later use as a credit against your invoice costs, AND you can check your “ready to list” items and also take anything off here or there that has sold.

Sometimes even if an item has sold here, the listing may still be up on this site in a different category. I think that happens when you relist on eBay and have changed the category there…?? Pays to keep an eye on your account anyway.

answered over 4 years ago

Your blog is simply amazing, congratulations on your great work! [URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

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