Booth chats?

Do people use booth chats? I’ve been here for half a year and have never seen one. Can anyone send me a link to see what these look like? How / when do you get them?

asked about 4 years ago

1 Comment

Atomicdiner says: December 23, 2020

I’m lucky if I can get people to even look at my booth to purchase something let alone chat but I am not on 24/7 so its more of a comment if they stop by on occasion.

2 Answers

I’ve never seen one, and I usually have Bonanza open in a tab so it shows me as active most of the time. I do get messages from buyers occasionally that come into “messages” and also my email, but I think the chat is different (maybe?).

answered about 4 years ago

Used to be quite common….but that too was when the regular forums were also open…sellers would get together to chat, sometimes hold booth auctions…etc. I do go by on occasion to say hi to some friends, check up on sellers I don’t see regularly since the demise of the forums…

I have used the chat in the past to help buyers with checkout in the old days or negotiate a price before purchase…

I also leave notices from time to time in the chat

Not so much anymore….

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

Policequilts says: December 24, 2020

Totally agree with you Cindy. There was more “community” and we would let people know an item of their’s was tweeted and such.

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Viewed: 489 times

Asked: about 4 years ago

Latest response: about 4 years ago

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