Bonanza community forum guidelines

Hello Community!!

Bonanza’s Community Help page is a place you can get general questions about items answered from the community.

1. You can ask any general question that would benefit the community such as “What’s the most effective way to promote my items on Facebook” or “How can I tell if a Coach bag is authentic?”.
Questions should be short and to the point.

2. For questions about specific items, or your order you’ll need to contact the seller.
Questions of a personal nature are not allowed.

We try to keep support-related questions off of this page.

3. If you need assistance or are experiencing the site not working for you as it should, please direct your question or concerns to [email protected] we will be glad to help.

Youtube video about “Bonanza Help pages and Community Help” [URL removed]

Here is additional information from our Help pages,
“All About Our Community Help page”

“Bonanza Community Help & General Interaction Guidelines”

If you need additional support please email our award-winning support team and we will be glad to assist you further. [email protected]

Thank you and Happy Selling!

asked 6 months ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot February 14, 2024

Hi Brandon. At the side of the page it reads Tips and to leave helpful links but we cannot leave links now, so now this tip is old news :)

0 Answers

No answers have been posted yet.

Question Vitals

Viewed: 529 times

Asked: 6 months ago

Latest response: None

To Answer Brilliantly

Remember these tips:

  • Use links to other sources to support your opinions
  • Use examples where possible
  • Put yourself in the inquirers shoes: what extra info would be helpful?

Should I post a comment or an answer?

You can only post one answer, so make it count. Maybe your reply is more fitting as a comment instead?

Post an answer for:

  • Replies that directly and specifically answer the original question

Post a comment for:

  • "Thanks," "Me too," "I agree," or "Works for me" types of replies
  • When you would like the original poster to provide more details
  • When you have more to add to someone else's question or answer

See also our Roundtable FAQ.


Community help posts follow certain formatting guidelines, which may impact the look of your post. If you're interested in tweaking the format, instructions are available here.