Bonanza website redesign

I have been a paying member of Bonanza from day one when the website launched. The site is in desperate need of a update and redesign. The colors are very bad neutral colors that are depressing to buyers and buyers will not spend enough time on the website if they find it to be bland and boring. This question is directed to Bonanza staff but anyone can give their opinion.

asked over 4 years ago


CindyBear says: October 24, 2020

did you have another booth at one the past? just curious

ElizabethG1464 says: November 21, 2021

In order for the changes to be positive and have the right impact on the business, it is important to support the collaboration of the entire organization with flexible systems like [URL removed] that facilitate this teamwork.

5 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.


Thank you for the great feedback you have provided us.

Bonanza has many new and exciting things happening. We recently introduced the Seller Advisory Panel.
They are providing critical insights and guidance on multiple levels.

**they are bringing a much-needed voice into the development of our product roadmap and our strategic planning.

  • They are completing surveys, evaluating new tools, and sharing their business perspectives
  • They are providing unfiltered feedback that is used to prioritize and assist us as we move to the future.

Check out our Bonanza YouTube Help section, [URL removed]

Our team is collectively working together night day on your behalf.

Stay Tuned!
The Best is yet to come!!

Thank you and Happy Selling!
Wanda T.
Happiness Producer
Bonanza Support


answered over 4 years ago

I never really thought of it that way.
I like the simplicity of the pages as they are.
What this site needs more than anything is ADVERTISING.
No point redesigning a site no one knows exists!!

answered over 4 years ago

I agree, I would like to see Bonanza ADVERTISE! This could be a great site if more people knew about it.

answered over 4 years ago

We could always go back to the more vibrant green, orange and gold…of the old days (the colors are actually what caught my eyes back in 2009) I had just got done painting my son’s bedroom green, orange and gold..figured it was a sign that I should set up a store here.. ![URL removed]

![URL removed]

eyecatchingbeauty always made such beautiful HPLs…

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


TheVintageChateau says: October 24, 2020

I remember this when I first started with Bonanzle years ago. Was just listing a few items, them I left. I remember they hand Bonanzle sales for everyone to join in on at a certain time. This green design was beautiful.

TheVintageChateau says: October 24, 2020

They “had” not “hand”

ccmom says: October 25, 2020

this is my second booth opened a month after my first…CindyBear…it did absolutely great until google stopped with free listings..this booth did better then too, but the sales were always less. Now CindyBears rarely gets sales but collectible teddies are not as popular now

CindyBear says: October 25, 2020

I loved the vibrant green too…when they went to beige, light gray and that shadow of green..I was disappointed…

Ckanay says: January 14, 2022

[link url=[URL removed]][URL removed][/link])

Hi, I didn’t found it boring. It’s a really amazing and classy website, I have ever visited, If you want to redesign it’s a really good idea, But this is not boring at all. If you are looking for a site where you can get the best-designing ideas then visit [URL removed] site. Here you can get over 800 patterns for just $29.

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12


xue25_ustudentl says: December 14, 2021

nice post!

Ckanay says: January 14, 2022

[URL removed]

Ckanay says: January 14, 2022

[url=[URL removed]]anchor[/url]

Ckanay says: January 14, 2022

[url=[URL removed]]anchor[/url]

Ckanay says: January 14, 2022
Ckanay says: January 14, 2022
Question Vitals

Viewed: 1383 times

Asked: over 4 years ago

Latest response: over 3 years ago

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