Anybody know anything about swords?

I have a sword of unknown origin—it seems to be made from brass and the handle is decorated w/ what appears to be a representation of Romulus and Remus?
Where can I look to find more info about this, to get some idea what sort of price would be reasonable?

asked about 14 years ago

Reputation: 128
See loneelk's booth
8 Answers

You might want to check with a dealer who sells vintage and antique firearms in your local area. They will often know about swords and knives as their clients will sometimes buy both. The gun shop near my home sells old military dress swords and knives as well as guns.

If the sword in question is more than 150 years old, then a reputable auction house of fine antiques may be a better source.

A picture would be helpful for anyone on here that knows anything about weapons. Seeing the shape of it would at least allow us to narrow down what type of sword it is.

Good luck with your search.

answered about 14 years ago

Picture please :)

You’re sword could be anything from a cheap reproduction on up to something valuable but we can’t help you without a photo.

If you have never posted a photo before…check the boards. I remember some helpful/nice people have posted how to do that.

answered about 14 years ago

Posting a photo would help.

answered about 14 years ago

Check the public library for antique stuff or thru the internet….sometimes dealers don’t tell all….be careful maybe you got a trasure……

answered about 14 years ago


Why YES…I know quite a bit about swords!
They have handles on one end and a sharp pointy thing on the other—to engage a combattant—use the pointy side towards them!

[sorry that couldn’t be helped!] LOL

Seriously, I hope you struck treasure! But, like someone said it could be a ‘repop’ or something of high value—so, a photo would be of great help. If you can’t post it here [I’m still shakey on that subject myself] do you have it listed on your site…or booth? [sorry].
Otherwise, I would check freebay—that’s how I got a clue about my shark backbone cane…
Whatever, I’d still love to see a pix of your sword!

answered about 14 years ago

Thanks, folks! I know I need to take a picture. My gut feeling is that it’s a cheap repro? But then what do I know about swords!

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 128
See loneelk's booth

WOW, great resourceful info here> thanks too!

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Well it certainly cannot be an original……Otherwise you have something over 2ooo years old.

On the plus side. The traditional roman sword was called a spathula.

answered about 14 years ago

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Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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