Absolutely no traffic/views at all (97 items, 7 days)

Hi, i’m new here. I had high hopes for Bonanza, but I’m extremely disappointed.
Don’t have any view in my booth stats. 97 items at sell here one week, without any view, while i sell 4-5 items every day at ebay.
Is this place dead or i doing something wrong?

asked over 6 years ago


HammersmithGraphics January 29, 2018

bing ubsiness has a $100 coupon for advertising and theyre good at helping you get it set up. im then going to point that at nanzer to send traffic this way. that being said i would hang in there if i were you. yea i do rant around and yell a lot in the forums but theyre trying. i would suggest bing

SparkleJewelBoutique January 30, 2018

I have been here at least a month only one sale I’m not going to pay a lot of money to promote my items when there are no buyers it’s been this way with Bonanza for years all sellers no buyers, trying to figure out how to cancel.

HammersmithGraphics January 30, 2018

well as i mentioned the bing business advertising has a $100 coupon. so in effect its 3 months of free advertising. i hooked the bing account 3 hours ago. i have made 2 sales

FoysalO February 01, 2018

Contact with me bro .send me a pm

MadeByLori February 05, 2018

Hope things are now improving for you!

mygdfinds1111 May 28, 2019

Your profile appears to be unviewable when I went there—could that be the problem?

mygdfinds1111 May 28, 2019

I agree, no views at all, used google ad and then they disapporved half of my items which were just fine for Ebay. So cancelled Google and my items still sit unviewed—total wasit eof my time?

8 Answers

Welcome to Bonanza. I took a look at your booth and tweeted one of your items. Bonanza is not like eBay in that you have to do a great deal of self promotion. It is best to start out with a free booth and use the 9% advertising rate to get your items into Google. You are not charged any fee until a item sells. Maybe checking out this link will be of help to you, also. https://www.bonanza.com/site_help/booths_setup. And, when you have questions or need help, this community is a great source of information.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 6 years ago


Epic_Wear January 29, 2018

Hi, this is interesting. Suddenly i have 56 views today. I think i need to learn more about selling here. Thanks for help me to figure up this.

abigdogmom January 29, 2018

You are welcome.

mrdutch1001 January 29, 2018

@Epic_Wear – that sudden spike in views could be attributed to fellow Bonanza folks visiting your booth as a result of this thread. I found this to be the case on Etsy…posting in forum threads = fellow sellers’ views which are generally false hope. Sellers need Potential Buyer views.

Epic_Wear January 29, 2018

Hi, yes i know that i need views to sell, but i didn’t have any until this moment. It seems that i need to do lot of self promotion to start selling here.

Atomicdiner January 29, 2018

Sellers can be Buyers too and that is something the Auction site seems to not understand as they keep alienating Sellers with their restrictive policys. HAPPY SALES to You Here!!!

misskeech January 29, 2018

Epic wear, think of Bonanza as your own website, you would have to promote that to get it to be seen. The members here on bonanza are very helpful, and yes, those views came from whereever it was promoted. Good luck to you and welcome to Bonanza!

Epic_Wear January 29, 2018

Yes this looks lot friendlier environment than ebay, i hope now i will start selling.

misskeech January 29, 2018

Its MUCH friendlier!

abigdogmom January 30, 2018

I do 2 things every morning with my coffee, and that is collect my tokens and come to the community to check on questions and answers. This community has been a great help to me, and I appreciate the willingness to help.

Don’t give up. I also had lower sales when I started but now I am selling 2-3 items on Bonanza every day. You just need to make your listings attractive to buyers with good description and prices

answered over 6 years ago


HammersmithGraphics January 30, 2018

bing ads has helped me a lot. i just put it to my account 3 hours ago i have 2 sales

mygdfinds1111 May 28, 2019

Just started and after a while with google advertising and it made no difference. Still not a view on my items which had many views on Ebay. Is Bonanza dead in the water? Totally disappointed!

Sales are slower here but if you keep on a free plan and add advertising you will only pay fees when the items sell not like the bay where you have to pay if they do or not.

answered over 6 years ago

Reputation: 18
See Chlp's booth

Part of the issue is the 3 weeks shipping estimate from Croatia. I won’t even look at something with a delivery date more than 2 weeks out.
Another is that you are selling very narrow niche designs, and when searching on Google you are competing with much lower prices from websites like T Shirt Bordello.
So to build your business, you could really work on social media to target those specific buyers for exactly what you are selling.

answered over 6 years ago

Thanks for your words, i found that it’s so important to trust [URL removed] ourselves,i have lost my confidence this year, but now i will try my best to pick them up.

answered almost 5 years ago

Reputation: 42

Have been on Bonanza (basic booth) 32 days. Have had 261 views & 3 sales. I am very happy. So far, all is working the way Bonanza advertises.

answered over 4 years ago

I was impressed with the site that you created, so memotipasi many people to be more advanced, there also kunjugi me, as a comparison ?

answered about 3 years ago

Great Information sharing .. I am very happy to read this article .. thanks for giving us go through info.Fantastic nice. I appreciate this post.? [URL removed]

answered about 3 years ago

Reputation: 22
Question Vitals

Viewed: 2508 times

Asked: over 6 years ago

Latest response: about 3 years ago

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