How can i find the value of a chalkware cherry boy?

My Great Aunt received this cherry boy as a wedding gift….she passed away some 20 years ago at age 89. Now I have possession of it….it has been glued in several places…it does have a number on it 517. My mother believes it is close or over 200 years old. It stands appr. 21 inches. Thank you for your time.

asked over 13 years ago

5 Answers

Try the direct chalkware collectors site for researching, etc at>

[URL removed]

answered over 13 years ago

Without a picture, it is hard to know if this is the same piece, but the November 2010 issue of Kovel’s newsletter on antiques and collectibles has some information about a cherry boy statue that a subscriber asked about. The statue in the picture shown is listed as being 21-1/2" tall, and it shows a boy holding a bunch of cherries in one hand, his arm extended up to his mouth, ready to eat the fruit.

To summerize Kovel’s [URL removed] The cherry boy statue was made of plaster of Paris, aka “chalkware”. The cherry boy figure was copyrighted in 1906 by the Boston Plastic Art Company, which was in business in Boston from circa 1900 until early 1920s.

This is a direct quote from the [URL removed]
“We have seen your statue selling online for $30 to $50.”

answered over 13 years ago

Can you show a picture?

answered over 13 years ago

[URL removed]

answered over 13 years ago

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answered almost 3 years ago

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Asked: over 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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