How do you authenticate Pearl China?

I have this Black Chef Cookie Chef cookie jar incised 639 bearing the gold Pearl China Mark. In good faith I priced this as the original authentic Pearl China chef. I had a fairly new cookie jar collector look at it and because the height is slightly off from the measurement in the book they decided it might be a fake. I explained that the height of any pottery item, old or new, is not totally accurate because of the variance in the moisture of the slip when the item is poured. So we looked him up in my books and in on you can clearly see a recessed upside down U shape that defines his legs. In the other book We couldn’t see this depression. The Pearl China Black Cookie Chef is one of the jars on the reproduction list.

So How do I tell the difference? Any cookie jar experts out there?

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asked over 13 years ago

Reputation: 774
See froggieb's booth
3 Answers

Hi Froggie,
well I’m not a cookie jar expert, but I think what you said holds true with measurements.
I know it does for alot of depression glassware too.

My gut is that the cookie jar is the real deal.I may have a book that shows the Pearl mark showing. If I can find it, I will bmail you and let you know.

If no one here can give you a definite answer, try over at the bay on the pottery and glassware board.
They most often can say what is real and what is repro.

BTW- very nice item. Now hand over the cookies please. LOL

answered over 13 years ago

Just sold this in my mall today! Thanks Maven for your help!

answered over 13 years ago

Reputation: 774
See froggieb's booth

Freshwater and seawater pearls, as well as colors, commonly pink, white black.

General 6-7mm pearl necklace is the small pieces of ,7-8mm ,8-9mm is a medium size slightly larger than ,9-10mm is very big, fat person can wear a great big thing. To choose their own according to the desired pearl necklace.

Identification is the size of pearls, round, gloss, with flawless, the price is most important is how the round, is the so-called Zhuyuanyurun, perfect circle is gourmet but not flawless pearls, of course, very important types of pearls, sea beads than freshwater pearl you Oh.

answered over 13 years ago

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