Does anyone know the jewelry maker whos mark is an A inside a cricle?

Hi everyone :)

I have two rings that are marked on the inside with the gold content and than an A inside a circle. I have looked all through google and no one seems to know who manufactured the rings or how old they could be. I have seen many other people ask the same questions about rings with the same mark that they got from their grandparents but even the experts at have no idea.

So I really hope that one of you giys out there know or can point me in the right direction. Thank you! :)

asked over 13 years ago

6 Answers

Can you post a picture of the mark ?
I found one with a capital A in a circle "Mark of Aurora jewelry co.Providence RI for men’s & women’s jewelry first used September 1954 "
I hope that helps .

answered over 13 years ago

There’s quite a lot good hallmark google images to research if [URL removed]

1. Go to googles search and type in â–º jewelry hallmarks
2. then click “Images” on upper left page and you’ll be fascinated with the variety
3. and good Luck in your search findings

answered over 13 years ago

I looked in my regular jewelry sources and came up with nothing to help you. Good luck and I hope you solve the mystery.

answered over 13 years ago

Could it be handmade? Some designers leave their marks.

answered over 13 years ago

here’s a link that may be helpful.

[URL removed]

it has a lot of history about jewelers that have trademarks.

answered over 13 years ago

The sites I use the most are

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Unfortunately I did not find an a in a circle.

answered over 13 years ago

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Asked: over 13 years ago

Latest response: over 13 years ago

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