Do you think it will help my google searchability to put some key words under each of my photos within my listing script??

I’ve noticed Google searches seem to deliver one set of results for written web content and a different set of results when you click on “images”… Do you think it will help my search-ability (for an image or photo search) to put some key words under each of my photos within my listings?

asked almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth
7 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.


You could try naming your images before uploading them to Bonanzle. OR you could upload images to your own webspace and then use the Image insert function on the new text editor to insert your own images. On the image insert function you can name the images anything you want.

The google organic bots are looking for the image name itself not for text underneath an image.

If that makes any sense.


answered almost 15 years ago

yes go to
My bonanzle
Batch edit items
(Filter the items you want to change)
Search Optimize
[[[URL removed] blue]] (Example read more about this in the help)

This is where you need to add text so customers can search and find your items, the more information you put there the more searchable you are

answered almost 15 years ago

It has always been advice to name your pictures using keywords particular to the item. It does help add some SEO (Search Engine optimisation).

What Saleretail is referring to is Attributes this will also add SEO to your items but has nothing to do with pictures.

Ontop yes you simply rename your pictures using keyword relevant to the item. If I have a Pete Rose baseball card I would name my picture Pete Rose baseball card . It does add SEO to your listings as far as how much I’m not sure but every little bit helps.

answered almost 15 years ago

I’d be interested to know how you would do that. Would you just name your picture using keywords?

answered almost 15 years ago

when I name my pictures I name them that way. Someone said to do that and it helps in search.

answered almost 15 years ago

The googlebot does crawl images.
Here is some helpful info
[URL removed]

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 387
See wallyh's booth

experiment on a couple items, then check the stats for a week.

answered almost 15 years ago

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Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: almost 15 years ago

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