Is there a market for vhs movies any more?

I don’t know weather it would be worth my time to add all my VHS Movies to my booth. Is there a market for them now?
Thanks for any help with this :)

asked about 13 years ago

24 Answers

Yes, there is a market as many people still have a dual machine, one side plays VHS and the other plays DVDs. There was and is a sector of the population who refuses to replace all of their VHSs with DVDs knowing that they are going to invent some new machine we will have to buy in a year or two. Most of my neighbors have the dual machines. They like the tapes better than the highly scratchable DVD, especially those with kids.

answered about 13 years ago

I still have quite a few around the house, but to be honest haven’t used in a while. There are folks who buy these. Some movies are hard to find in this format and would most likely sell.

answered about 13 years ago

List them! That’s all I watch!!


answered about 13 years ago

I still have a VCR!!!! My grandaughter and her friends just watched 2 VCR movies yesterday morning So YES—-I Would list them!!!

answered about 13 years ago

Just my opinion, but VHS have long outlasted DVD. We keep them in boxes out in the garage. Have only found 1 in all these years that didn’t work. Am regretting that we gave 10+ boxes away last summer to Goodwill. Have never had to replace a VHS player, but have had to replace DVD players like crazy.

answered about 13 years ago

I would list them, there are still alot of people who still purchase used VHS movies.

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 22
See madison's booth

I still have a VCR! I will watch them

answered about 13 years ago

Selling VHS movies as a “Lot” is also an option to consider. Good luck

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

sold a couple..but they aren’t flying out the door..mostly kids videos or Disney

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

There is and will be a small but steady market for them. The prices you can get are pretty low, though. I have a few brand new titles, thinking they would sell, but so far nada. If the price is right anything will sell, eventuially.

PS Over the past 30 years we have only had to replace our VHS player once, while we are already on our third DVD player! You would think a DVD player would be simpler. There are probably a lot of titles on VHS that aren’t on DVD. They would certainly be cheaper. Set you price low and list them all.

answered about 13 years ago

I volunteer at a thrift shop on Weds..and we occasionally have a few stroll in and buy them for $1 each..when we’ve marked them higher,they just sit and collect dust…I agree there is a small market for them still for those that didnt want to upgrade to DVD, but sadly they are about out of fashion :(

answered about 13 years ago

There is people still using VCR. So I think there is a slow market.
I listed some and so far “nothin’”.

answered about 13 years ago

Very small market, Maybe list in multiples

answered about 13 years ago

I have found they sell fast at the local flee market. I have not listed any here because of this factor and I don’t want to have to store them (I have a lock down). I do agree that VHS last much longer then DVD and had I had the room for them I would have kept them for myself. I may in the future, when I have a larger home, decide to collect them again.

answered about 13 years ago

Yes there is in fact I have a dual player machine and i prefer the vhs as they are more reasonable and you can find some great old movies. So list them i think you will be surprised.

answered about 13 years ago

some as all things they may make a come back one never knows!

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 37
See mjzc59's booth

I say, sell them. If they could be sold in lots, it may save on shipping, as well.

We have a dual player, but the DVD thing has never worked right. Now, after a few years, the VCR doesn’t rewind well, but we still have 2 more VCRs in the house. I’m not buying a DVD player again, what a PITA.

answered about 13 years ago

I have had a lot of luck selling VHS movies. I try to group them by actor. There are people who like Lucy or Tom Cruise. You could also group them by categoies like comedy and action, etc.

answered about 13 years ago

You never know until you try. We still have a VHS player and watch movies all the time.

answered about 13 years ago

yes there is! globaly! vhs video tapes becoming rare!

answered about 13 years ago

We still watch our VHS movies because I’m too cheap to buy the DVD version. :-)

I would list them. I’ve sold a few over the years and can see where they will become rare, especially certain titles.

Good luck!

answered about 13 years ago

yes, i agree, they’re certainly still used! good luck :)

answered about 13 years ago

Only movies that aren’t on dvd have much chance of moving.

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 12
See egomoi's booth


answered about 13 years ago

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