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Join the Bonanza Seller Advisory Panel
Apr 28, 2020

Join the Bonanza Seller Advisory Panel

Hey, Bonanzlers! You may have noticed we've had some exciting updates on our blog lately. One of them is the addition of a new payment processor for all our sellers, Stripe. This was one of the top three requests we received from you, our seller community, and we're so excited that we made it happen. As always, if you experience any issues with this feature, please let us know at [email protected].

We value your feedback because experience has proven to us that listening to our sellers’feedback is the best opportunity we have to consistently improve our product. That’s why we’ve streamlined communication in a multitude of ways. We have a dedicated feedback site, conduct regular surveys, and take other no-nonsense measures to ensure we build the features you need without wasting time on the features you don’t. It’s no coincidence that the tools we offer can be customized to fit our sellers’ needs!

Join our Seller Advisory Panel

Now we have another way to work with our sellers to develop a best in class value proposition for you. We are creating a new Seller Advisory Panel and we are looking for sellers who would like to participate. Members of the group will have a hand in:

  • Providing feedback on how you use the site
  • Providing feedback on theories, tests, and potential changes to the site proposed by Bonanza
  • Reviewing feature requests/modifications to improve our seller experience with data-driven feedback
  • Be the first to try our latest and greatest tools and features

What's in it for you?

  • Visibility into Bonanza planning processes
  • A voice in Bonanza’s Product Roadmap discussions
  • Presented at the highest level as a “Trusted Seller Partner”
  • Badge for your booth displaying your participation
  • Tokens for joining our panel
  • One free month of Titan membership ($200 value) to help you reduce your cost and strengthen our value proposition

What are the requirements?

As a member of the panel, you would spend up to one hour per month answering surveys, providing feedback, and possibly testing new features. Membership in the panel will be a commitment of one year.

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and a bit of your time, please apply! There are no minimum requirements to qualify. We will be accepting applications for one week, closing May 5, 2020. Selected participants will be notified in the following week. The free month of Titan membership will be applied at the end of one year (May 2021). We'll apply your badge and tokens upon joining.

We have some experienced and helpful sellers here and we appreciate the feedback we've been given over the years. We want to expand on it to ensure we are moving in a direction that is consistent with your needs. Thanks to all who apply!

Application window closed

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26 responses to Join the Bonanza Seller Advisory Panel

ooak says: 04/28/20 at 17:51:37

neat – i am out of office – will read up tomorrow

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:45:50


RubyS208 says: 04/28/20 at 22:28:52

I can spare time to help I’d love to help. Sometimes online selling seems like an easy task, however there can be unforeseen requirements or steps you may need help with. I know I would have appreciated help when I started, and questions can even strike when you have been doing this for awhile.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:47:57

Yes, Ruby! We appreciate your offer of help, you are so kind!

Virtual_Mamas_Place says: 04/29/20 at 03:47:39

Thank you!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:48:41

You’re welcome, Virtual_Mamas_Place!

foxredb says: 04/29/20 at 03:50:10

Good job

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:49:24

Thanks Foxredb! We’re super excited to have our sellers guiding us!

newoncenicetwice says: 04/29/20 at 06:16:42

Help ! Need more sales. What can we do ?

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:50:43

Hi nenwoncenicetwice! If you could take a moment and send an email to [email protected] our team would be happy to take a look and offer you some tips for increasing sales.

no one says: 04/29/20 at 06:46:48

Maybe down the road, I’m not very tech savvy. I’d be happy to help in anyway but nothing with a computer.
Sincerely yours , Dorene Klippel

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:52:48

That’s okay, Dorene, we appreciate you selling with us. And if you have any site feedback, you can always offer it in your blog comment.

AngelicPretty says: 04/29/20 at 08:55:25

That’s a great idea, I shared it on my e-commerce blog:


BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:55:34

Wow, thanks AngelicPretty! We appreciate your getting the word out!

Tenth_and_Delaware says: 04/29/20 at 09:41:37

Bonanza’s willingness to engage with its sellers distinguishes Bonanza from other e-commerce platforms. The prospect of a seller advisory panel has a lot of potential. Certainly do hope that it exceeds all expectations!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 09:58:39

We do too, Tenth_and_Delaware! Our community has a lot of valuable ideas and feedback and we appreciate the opportunity to work with them.

MomentsInThyme says: 04/29/20 at 10:12:11

Exciting! I am eager to help. New ideas to come to my favorite site when there are like minded people coming together to better how we do things. Thank you for asking those who can help & that is your Sellers.
Shelly, Thank You for the Blog section. I have enjoyed keeping informed and up to date on the progress the site has made as well as information to help us with sales. Blessings to you, have a wonderful day! Rita – MomentsInThyme

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/29/20 at 12:37:35

Hi MomentsinThyme, thanks so much for offering your assistance with such a positive perspective and enthusiasm!

Rocco820 says: 04/29/20 at 18:45:36

I’d be more than happy to join the team. I’m fairly new here and have done well so far. Unfortunately, I’m noticing errors and mishaps from time to time with listings and buyer purchases. Trying to rectify them with Support as of late sometimes adds two steps to the process and a loss of valuable time that is needed in order to operate with efficacy. So, yes, I’d like to participate and add my experiences thus far here.

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/30/20 at 13:02:30

Sounds like you have some great feedback to offer. Thanks, and be sure to fill out the application in the link below.

bimmerparts says: 04/30/20 at 07:40:48

This is fantastic, and thanks for stripe for all!

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/30/20 at 13:03:00

You’re so welcome bimmerparts!

ooplap says: 04/30/20 at 08:00:42

Hey Shelly,
I think I could be of good help in this forum although I’m a new member here, still setting up my booth. My background is marketing and advertising (local and international), I have been involved in the designing and creating of many websites and I also do user testing with excellent ratings from the clients.
I hope to hear from you :)

BonanzaShelly says in response: 04/30/20 at 13:36:42

Being a new member is seeing everything with fresh eyes! It is so valuable to have that perspective. Be sure to apply!

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