The Gourmet Rose Foundation

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Customer Reviews Synopsis

2 reviews total • 2 reviews with comments
Average review 5 stars
Wonderful value!

Great coverage and color. This product is easily as good as Bare Minerals and any other mineral makeup I have tried. Now go and take a look at what similar products sell for and you will find that this product gives you about 4 times as much for your money.

What's not to love? :-)

Purchased The Gourmet Rose Foundation on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
Great Makeup

My daughters and I have used this makeup for several years. They have a bit of acne and I have a few red splotchy areas. This makeup gives a clean look and pretty much that flawless complexion that we all want. I've never used Bare Minerals, but I would put this in the same category of coverage--light and smooth and covers imperfections. I have recommended this makeup on many occasions to my friends. I like the fact that it has no fillers in it. I use moisturizer on my face before I apply this makeup with the kabuki brush. It doesn't have a heavy "powdery" look when blended with the brush. I do sleep in the makeup and wash it off in the morning. It's a great makeup and I highly recommend it.

Purchased The Gourmet Rose Foundation on Bonanza
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