Angel Guides Empwerment
The Angel Guides Empowerment connects you with your personal Angel guides or guides. This energy is very high and helps you to vibrate on a level that allows you to communicate with your angel guides. Your Angel guides will assist you in following your path. They will help you to heal from any illness or injury, often much quicker than would be expected.
And your personal Angel Guides will work to help you understand what steps to take to improve your life and to manifest your desires. Angels are around you all the time and they will work to help you become empowered, to feel better, and to create the life you desire and are meant to live.
You do not need an attunement to work with your Angel Guides, but the energies of this attunement does help you to connect easier and faster to vibrate at a higher energy than you normally would. Angel are always ready to help you -- all you need to do is connect to them and allow your energies to become a link to communication, understanding and inspiration so that your Angel Guides can help you reach your goals.
Each of us has personal Angel Guides that are around us all the time. These guides are readyto assist us, to protect us, and to offer guidance in any area of our lives. While the Angels may not interfere in our lives -- in other words, they allow us to grow and expand and become more than we were before -- they will step forward with guidance and help when we ask.
Asking is one of the keys to receiving guidance. They do not answer questions that are not asked. They offer to help us and reach out to soothe our emotions in ways we may not even be aware of, but they will not now or ever force us or lead us toward anything that is against our free will. Angels respect our free will and they allow us to make our choices without any of their infuence -- unless -- we ask for their guidance.
When we ask our Angel Guides to help us and we call on them for guidance, the Angels open up a whole new perspective and help us make the best decisions. They will protect us and they do this in many ways -- often we are not aware that they may be causing that sudden gut feeling to turn down a different street, or do something differently than usual. This may be all that is needed to avoid something that would have harmed us in some way.
These are our Angel Guides helping us and keeping us safe. The same is true for guidance. Angels will offer you a hunch, an instinct, a gut feeling that will guide you in the best way for your highest good. And they will do this without you asking. However, if you coose not to pay attention, not to follow this instinct, it is your free will choice and the Angels will not force you or interfere.
Yet, if you willingly seek their guidance, these same Angel Guides, your personal Angel Guides, will open up all sorts of information to you in ways you will understand.
With purchase, 1 distant attunement sent via angelic sphere (or chi ball .... your choice. Please specify); 1 manual; 1 certificate.
Manual and certificate sent via email. Please be sure I have the email you want them sent to or I will use the email on file with paypal. Thank you!!