In this new age, we learn that we all create our own reality, and yet society teaches us that others are in charge and we are in fact powerless. In our spirituality, we learn the importance of trust. Yet society teaches us to trust the one in charge, not ourselves. It is obvious that, in order to reclaim our spiritual power, we have to take our power back from society. To do this, you must first. understand the different ways whichpower has been taken from us.


Since the dawn of society, there has always been a few individuals who sought to have power over others in order to more easily fulfil their own dreams. These few have always become the leaders and have tricked others into thinking they have some kind of divine authority. Society has been created so that the leaders prosper while others work hard to support them. In order for the society to continue to function, it depends on at least 80% of the population expected to no ore than work and survive. This requires them to be kept in low wages, ignorant and in low self esteem. The government, the employment system and the eduction system are all designed to keep them that way.

From the very beginning the leaders have always used the same weapons of control to take away our power and value. There are basically eight of these and, once we understand these, we can take our power back.

Those eight weapons are:

1. Force

2. Fear

3. Guilt

4. Approval

5. Lying/Witholding Information

6. Duty and Honor

7. Altruism

8. Manipulation

When you realize how much of  your power has been taken from you throughout your life, it is no wonder you are no longer able to create the reality you desire! We have all become accustomed to living a powerless life, with low expectations while being constantly drained by the ones in charge. So the magic & metaphysics don't seem to work. The first thing we need to do, therefore, is take back all the power we ahve lost. Luckily there is a simple method for doing this.

You are going to do this as a daily meditation. Close your eyes and relax. Forget about the world around you then let your mind dwell on some inner realityy.

This pdf file will go into further details on the meditation and ways of taking back your own power.