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ProEdge Bedknife Sharpener.

Blade Sharpener Linear Actuator (Fully Automatic Operation) $4,075
The ProEdge is available as a manual unit and is equipped with a stone drive. Optional accessories include the Linear Actuator. The ProEdge is designed in a way that allows the actuator to be installed at a later time, if so desired.
The ProEdge Bedknife Sharpener is operated by pneumatic power; the frame is constructed of plated steel and has the versatility to professionally sharpen most bedknives. The ProEdge will sharpen both top face and front edge of the bedknives, ensuring optimum cutting action from your reel mower. When equipped with the Linear Actuator, the ProEdge becomes a fully automatic machine.
Power: All Pneumatic requires industrial sized air compressor.
Stone Drive: Pneumatic Atlas Copco Industrial, extended life.
Grinding Length: 30 inches.
Capacity: 5 to 10+ minutes depending on condition of bedknives.
Linear Actuator (Optional).
Frame: All Steel.
Weight: 40 pounds.
Width: 33" working / 24" shipping.
Height: 18" working / 20" shipping.
Length: 58" working / 60" shipping.
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