Today, my Coven and I present to you a protective DEMON GUARDIAN SUMMONING SPELL that will summon a powerful Black Magick guardian to watch over you. Demonic entities make great protectors due to their powerful Black Magick abilities. Not all demons are evil. Like human beings, some of their natures are evil, but some are good. The demon we will summon for your protection is a good-natured demon who will watch out for you.
While some demons will cause trouble, not all are like this. If you consider yourself a dark person, then the best companion for you will be a demon. This demon will provide you with extreme spiritual defense. You will no longer worry about being possessed by other demons or fed upon by psychic vampiric entities.
Don't live in fear anymore!
Your Demon guardian will give you supreme protection and revenge abilities. Your stress will lower. You will feel more rested when you sleep. And when someone crosses one of your boundaries... well, let me just say I will feel sorry for them. Demonic guardians are not entities you want to cross. If someone wrongs you, they will pay.
Once summoned, it is important that you give acknowledgement and thanks for your demon companion. You may use cinnamon or red wine as offerings for your guardian. Candlework helps a TON! Make sure you take this seriously and your demon protector will be faithful and provide you with ultimate guardianship.
Allow the Black Magick to protect you!
Get revenge on your enemies!
Have SUPREME protection!
This spell works directly on whoever you wish it cast upon. Do not doubt this spell's ability to summon a powerful Demon companion for protection and companionship. If you are searching for a Black Magick protective guardian, you should look no further. I have helped HUNDREDS in their desire to have spiritual protectors. Now is my chance to help you!
You can pick your date that this spell needs to be completed. Any time you desire, whether it is at midnight or whenever, I will provide this service to you. Tell me in advance and there will be ZERO problems!
There is no item that will be shipping from us - this is a casting.
There are no amulets or totems necessary for this spell.
Once purchased I will message you and get the details that we will need from you.