This spell is for those of you who KNOW that there is something special about you. You sense a power, but until now have never been able to activate it or to utilize it. This is not your imagination and NO, you are not crazy. People around the World are becoming more aware of their inner powers. These are unique gifts that were used by your ancestors and passed down through the generations to you. Our society has taught us that it is wrong to practice magick or to use psychic gifts. It is not wrong to use something that is a part of YOU! You are being robbed of your full potential if you fall prey to thinking that it is abnormal or WRONG to use your God given talents.
This ritual will awaken your dormant powers, stemming back to the beginning of your heritage. You will finally feel alive and free as you embark on your journey to TRUE enlightenment. Your World will take on new meaning as you step into the light and embrace your powers. If the thought of being able to communicate with spirits or having premonitions scares you, this is not for you. This ritual affects each person differently depending on your gifts, but generally the first thing people notice is their ability to sense and see spirits and seeing things that are about to happen.

I was gifted with the ability to sense, see and manipulate energy. I can reach within a certain object or person and touch and move energy about. When this is combined with a specific intent spell cast, the results are nothing short of miraculous! I have been perfecting this skill for most of my life. The demand for my spells is great and I only offer a few at a time as they are very physically draining for me. You will not see endless offerings of my spells, so I urge you to purchase quickly and reserve your place.

Magick cannot be forced or rushed. It mixes naturally with your personal energies to produce results.




Paypal only please. Payment due immediately. I will need your name and date of birth for spell cast.

You will not receive any item by mail. This is a direct energy spell cast.


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